<p>Did anyone get an email from UChicago within this past week about Thanksgiving?</p>
<p>Yeah, I got one.</p>
<p>alright i’m panicking now. lol am i the only one that didn’t get an email from them? i know it seems like a petty matter, but i feel like this is a bad sign.</p>
<p>i never get emails :(</p>
<p>crunkk, never? :/</p>
<p>the last email i received was about Obama, i never received anything about my app until i checked my account. ugh they probably already looked at mine and said no :(</p>
<p>crunkk, the last two emails i received was the Obama one and then the confirmation of application materials – in that order. but we shouldn’t worry so much (i probably won’t heed my own advice). all we can do is simply wait.</p>
<p>hey guys, I think Chicago is fair with chances, so I wouldn’t think they would send e-mails to people they’ve accepted and not send e-mails to people they’ve rejected. That would be a bit cruel don’t you think? I did receive some e-mails, but I never had my questions answered from my counselor. So don’t worry guys!</p>
<p>I wouldn’t be worrying about this email (or any of them, for that matter).</p>
<p>Checking my inbox I have about a dozen Thanksgiving themed emails from colleges, ranging from the Ivy league to Case Western… Mind you Chicago is the only school I have applied to thus far. Don’t forget all these emails and stuff are promotional–just because Harvard sends you a brochure doesn’t mean you are going to get in and visa versa. </p>
<p>The only email you should worry about, and that will be any indicator on your status as a future Maroon will be the one letting you know that admission decisions are available. </p>
<p>So yeah, don’t worry, crunkk they haven’t already deleted you from their email system! </p>
<p>Also, for some reason the Thxsgiving email from Chicago went to my spam folder (all the other ones have gone to my inbox) so maybe check there if you wish to see it. :)</p>
<p>I’ve gotten many e-mails from the dean of admissions–a Halloween one, an Obama/Hyde-Park-is-awesome one, a Thanksgiving one, off the top of my head. I’ve also gotten the whole “your application is incomplete!!” followed the next day by the “your application is actually complete; never mind!” e-mail sequence from the admissions office in the past week.</p>
<p>If you’re not getting any e-mails at all from them, it might be because they have the wrong e-mail address for you in their system. If you’re getting general ones from the admissions office but not the weekly-ish updates from the dean himself, then I’m not sure what it is–I don’t think UChicago would be as petty as to write off certain people already and not even bother sending them e-mails, but who knows.</p>
<p>Yep 10 chars</p>
<p>i got one and i haven’t even applied</p>
<p>thanks for your insight guys. :)</p>
<p>Make sure UChicago isn’t getting stuck in your spam. Outlook luddites, make them a “safe sender.”</p>
<p>stasis did u apply EA or QB</p>
<p>the Thanksgiving email (and the Obama one and the like) are sent to people who have added themselves onto the mailing list, not those who have applied.</p>
<p>I got one today about their poli sci program and that I should check it out.</p>
<p>i got one about creative writing…</p>
<p>Yeah, it was an email titled about opportunities.</p>