Uchicago Neubauer Summer Scholars 2016

@SugarSmarts @ComradeValdez @Dartmouth_21 I live in Chicago! haha. It’ll be cool to show you guys around

@quoderatuhhh Haha great!! It must be so exciting to live in a big city! I live next to a farm field in the country, so city life is going to be a very big change lol. What is your favorite part of Chicago?

@SugarSmarts @quoderatuhhh @ComradeValdez this is the dorm we’re living in if you want to take a look! http://housing.uchicago.edu/houses_houses/ggrcw/

@Dartmouth_21 Whoaaa that’s a super modern dorm! I love it <3
What do the different houses correspond to?

@SugarSmarts Oh i’m not sure, the houses are more of a big deal for the college students. It probably wont matter that much for us. Nobody talks about the Uchicago summer programs at all on CC! i wonder how many kids total there are going to be there

@Dartmouth_21 Ah, ok gotcha! And right? I wish we could see who else was going.
Just took like 10,000 pictures trying to get a decent one for the UCID. As it turns out, we have no white walls in our house so I’m using a tan wall and hoping they don’t care lol

@SugarSmarts oh yeah taking the pic was a pain. whatever no one is going to see it LOL

@Dartmouth_21 Ahaha true thank goodness…

I would be so okay skipping the next month of school I am so sick of studying for AP tests…
And so I’m procrastinating studying by being on this thread haha

@SugarSmarts Yeah i’m so stressed!! At least we have chicago to look forward to

@Dartmouth_21 @SugarSmarts @ComradeValdez Have any of you completed the signed forms from the acceptance packet? It says to sign pages 3-8, but pages 6&7 are just transportation information and have nothing to sign. Also, I can’t find the “Parental Permission, Emergency Contact & Medical Information Form” anywhere in the packet. Have you guys?

@quoderatuhhh I was confused about the second form, too!
Should we call/email someone?
I looked through the whole thing and it isn’t there…

@SugarSmarts Yeah, I hope it’s not something that we just get from our doctors because that’d be late notice! I’m going to email the yanethbello person they listed and also just the summersession email. I’ll let you know what they say!

@quoderatuhhh Lol same! And thank you so much :smiley:

@quoderatuhhh Heard anything back yet?

@quoderatuhhh @SugarSmarts i emailed them a few weeks back, they said they were going to email it to our parents at a later date, so just submit the other forms!

@Dartmouth_21 thank you!! :slight_smile:

Hey! I just got my acceptance today; it must’ve come a little later for Chicago kids. Can’t wait to meet you guys!

okay yeah she told me the same!
and @aayala59 did you apply through the Neubauer scholarship? I think how you applied was rolling admissions so that’s probably why you just got the news today! Will you be in the same class as us? (Collegiate Writing)

@quoderatuhhh I applied through the Neubauer scholarship, but I think Chicago kids got a few extra days to work on it. It was pretty confusing in general, to be honest. Anyways, I’ll be in collegiate writing too!