Hi so i got accepted at UCI for biology undergrad and to UCSD for psychology of human health. I’m really torn between the two schools and don’t know what would be a better option for me. My goal is to go to med school and get my md. but as of right now my gpa is a 3.4. However, I’ve already finished all my pre-req for med school ex. ochem, bio lab etc. Another pro to UCI is that i wouldn’t have to move and i would save money. I’ve heard that the UCI bio program is very difficult and i can handle difficult but i cant afford to get another B and have my gpa drop down closer to a 3.0 but i haven’t talked to anyone from the psychology program at UCSD so that might be just as difficult. Also im not 100% sure on this i need to double check with a counselor but i would need to take more classes at UCSD than i would have to at UCI. One last thing, would med schools prefer a biology major over a psychology major for med school?