UCI bizecon/admin now requiring Math 1C?

<p>I just got this email asking for an immediate response from UCI.</p>

<p>"Please let us know if you can take Math 1C in the summer? We are only able to consider your admission into the Business Admin major. Business Economics does not allow completion of a required course in the Summer session. A full year of Calculus (3 quarters) is now required for both of these majors."</p>

<p>They haven't updated anything on assist.org for both of these majors and now they want me to take another math class. Can they even do that??? Im piiiisssssed, why have an articulation agreement if its not even accurate.</p>

<p>calculus at UCI is in a-b quarter format if your school is in quarter format and the 1 year equal to UCI’s 1 year of calculus is a-b-c then you have to take all 3 classes. Calc 3 isn’t required for both major though </p>

<p>That’s the only explanation i can think of</p>

<p>For uci’s business economics in assist.org, it says </p>

<p>“All applicants must complete one course in microeconomics, one course in macroeconomics, and one semester or two quarters of approved calculus.”</p>

<p>Given the wording, I was under the impression that Math 1C and beyond was optional. To suddenly require Math 1C for both biz econ and admin when it isn’t even updated on the 09-10 assist is what makes me kinda mad. Now i dunno what to do… ahhhhh UCI was supposed to be my safety! = (</p>

<p>any updates on this?</p>