Hi I’m currently a Junior in highschool in southern california~
I was wondering how much of a chance I have in getting into UCI/UCSB/UCSD/UCR/UCSC etc.(UCI is my dream school)
(or any other UC schools in general-please specify if there are)
10-12 GPA: weighted= 3.9 unweighted=3.6
SAT: 1860 (reading-580 math-620 writing-600)
SAT Subject: will be taking a language w/ listening soon
AP’s: AP Stat-4, AP Art studio-4, AP Psych-4
Work experience: 1 year at a restaurant, also taking an ROP Internship course
Volunteer: none
(I’ve gotten 2 C’s in my sophomore year 1st semester in AP Lang and Honors Algebra II, I heard that UC’s generally don’t accept people who’ve gotten C’s before…)
Hey, I got into UCI, UCSD, UCSC and UCSB w/honors as a pre-bio major. I got a C first semester of AP Bio lol. So a C isn’t the end of the world…but you gotta make up for it in other parts of your application. I had a significant trend(3.67 sophomore year to straight As 2nd semester of Junior year). I can only advise you to get the best possible grades this semester and retake the SAT
Your SAT is good but CR can improve.
Also, you have to rack up those volunteer hours!
UCI-Match/high match
UCSB-High match
UCSD-Low reach
UCR-Low match
UCSC-Low match
Thank you so much for responding! Your info is really helpful to me~I am planning to retake my SATs soon and volunteer soon hopefully~Thank you once again for you help 
I had a 1870 4.02 W 3.83 UW with like 3-5 clubs and got into UCI, UCSD, UCD, UCSB, UCR, CSULB, SLO all for biology majors :3 I think you have a good shot so as long as your essay is amazing (I think that’s what got me in)
Thank you! 
how many hours of community service did you do?