@embth7 my appeal is still pending. Are they planning to let appeals in from the waitlist or an appeal for select decision or both? I thought we would be notified on our appeal decision by the end of May
My D’s appeal was accepted this evening (into the Business program). She’s very excited. I wish the best to those still waiting and offer you this small piece of advice that I gave her. Schools provide a wonderful opportunity on many levels but keep in mind that they’re still a single line on a resume. It’s all the other ink that surrounds it that carries equal, if not greater weight (e.g. participation in research, work experience, skills) I know what I speak… I went to a community college, then a Cal State and ended up at the top of my profession. Many of my HS classmates did the same. I’ve also hired hundreds of people and never once did school prove a deciding factor. It’s what you do with the education that counts. Anyways, best of luck to you all!