<p>What are some of the clubs on campus? Are there any dealing with the environment?</p>
<p>I never thought about that specific clubs yet, even though UCI is my top school. I think this is the list for all of the campus organizations [UCI</a> dos: Clubs & Organizations Search](<a href=“http://search.dos.uci.edu/organizations/searchresults.php]UCI”>http://search.dos.uci.edu/organizations/searchresults.php)
Here’s the main page where I got it from that gives you some categories to narrow them down
[UCI</a> dos: Campus Organizations](<a href=“http://search.dos.uci.edu/organizations/]UCI”>http://search.dos.uci.edu/organizations/)
One of the clubs I found is called the Green Campus program
[UCI</a> dos: Clubs & Organizations Detail](<a href=“http://search.dos.uci.edu/organizations/detail.php?id=226]UCI”>http://search.dos.uci.edu/organizations/detail.php?id=226)
"The UC Irvine Green Campus Program is a student organization that strives to save energy on campus. "</p>
<p>I am in the Public Health Association and while we are an academic organization a lot of public health deals with environmental safety, toxicity and health. Ok enough for the plug:
The main club I would say that deals with the environment that is active would be the Conservation and Recycling club, I believe they do a lot more than conserve and recycle and seem like a very environment oriented</p>
<p>But during welcome week there will be a fair were you can generally see most of the active campus clubs.</p>
<p>Could we sign up directly for those clubs during that week?</p>
<p>Im joining a bunch o clubs</p>
<p>Drama, music, public health, and multi-cultural</p>
<p>sports too</p>
<p>Yea you can sign up that week usually. lots of booths with lots of information for lots of people. FUN!</p>