UCI (computer science) vs UCSD (undeclared)

I’ve seen this same discussion multiple times yet I still find myself unable to decide. I absolutely love UCSD, I went for Triton Day and I think the overall milieu and vibe of the school is somewhere that I REALLY want to go. Yet, the only thing that is holding me back from instantly signing off on that SIR is the fact that I was switched into undeclared as I guess my stats weren’t good enough to warrant me a spot for CS. CS is what I REALLY want to do in college and I’m not very open to the idea of any other alternative majors which is why I’m very iffy about going to UCSD now because CS is probably the most competitive major to switch into at UCSD. It would require me to practically get a 4.0 in my required courses to switch and even that takes a bit of chance. I’m fairly confident in my capability to study hard and get straight A’s but there is always that possibility of me messing up here or there or getting an A- in a CS course and ending up with a 3.8-3.9 that would surely cut me off just like that, especially with the ever-escalating popularity of CS thats requiring students at UCSD to essentially get a 4.0 to have a shot to transfer. If I went to UCI, I wouldn’t have to worry about this as I’m already safely secured into the Donald Bren School of CS but the problem is that I don’t really like UCI and the area. So, I would definitely like some insight or thoughts on this matter.

Actually UCSD changed the CS major change criteria to a 3.3 GPA in the CS courses and then you are placed into a lottery. Go for the direct admit for CS at UCI.


Agree 100%. Take the sure thing. Estimates here on CC of success in the UCSD CSE lottery are around 10%. Hello UCI! And good luck.

If you aren’t open to another major, I would go for the sure thing.

I think you should to the school that would truly make you happy. It’s going to be the next 4 years of your life, so consider the place that you would be happy to call home. If your major is more important than the campus vibe, go to UCI. If not, go to UCSD. You just have to work extremely hard to get the major you want.

@xXGladiatorXx I agree but I think the concern is that getting into CS at UCSD is by lottery, not grades. @pitysexting could be the top of his/her class and still not get into CS.

@pitysexting one more option to think about if available. Go to UCI do the required courses hopefully get 4.0 GPA then if you still want to go to UCSD for CS then do a UC to UC transfer. This way if doesn’t work out you still have UCI to fall back on. Go Tritons!