UCI CS (Regents) or UCLA Computational Math

I want to go to grad school and become a software engineer so I’m stuck between the two:

UCI pros:

  • Regents and Deans scholarship recipient
  • will receive a refund larger than the sum I will be paying UCLA
  • Admitted as CS major
  • probably easier to get a higher GPA for grad School
    UCI cons:
  • not as good a reputation as UCLA
  • not as good for networking as UCLA
  • unsure about internship and employment opportunities as a UCI CS grad

UCLA pros:

  • better reputation and networking
  • better campus and food
  • LA provides an abundance of opportunities for internships and employment
    UCLA cons:
  • not admitted for CS
  • harder to get higher GPA for grad school
  • will be paying a lot of money
  • possibly of getting screened out by employers for not having a CS degree

I’m really stuck between the two :confused: and would really appreciate it if someone could explain more in detail about the UCI CS program or the UCLA Computational Math program

I’d lean to UCI - they took you into your major and it’s basically free … what am i missing?

“- will receive a refund larger than the sum I will be paying UCLA,” just means that UCI will be less? Are you closer to either campus and would commuting be a possibility? What is your net cost of UCI?

Mathematics of Computation is in the math department at UCLA. I suppose grades might be more facile for you in whatever you feel most comfortable, math or CS. You will have a great opportunity for grad CS at either school.