<p>Hello :)</p>
<p>I am a high school senior in AZ. I lived in CA for all my life until one year ago when we moved to AZ. Now, I am ineligible for in state tuition for UCI (my dream school since 7th grade). That's a bummer, I am still planning on going anyways. I have always wanted to go there and pursue a degree in Nursing Science. </p>
<p>Anyways, I can't apply for the FAFSA till Jan so I did the 4caster and it said my EFC is 7,135 while the oos tuition is 36,942 so I am eligible for aid. If I were to be accepted into UCI, about how much would I receive from the UCI Grant? About how much did you guys receive with whatever EFC you got? Any info or insight would be greatly appreciated :) Thank you!</p>
<p>The cost of attendance at UCI for an out-of-state student is not $36k - it’s over $52k! (Remember, you have to pay more than just tuition - you also have room and board.)</p>
<p>To find out approximately what your cost would be, run the net price calculator at the UCI website - [url=<a href=“Net Price Calculator | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI”>Net Price Calculator | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI]here[/url</a>].</p>
<p>I am not going to live on campus. My dad lives two minutes away, so I will be living with him.</p>
<p>Thank you for the link, it was very helpful. Do you know whether or not I am just as eligible for the UCI Grant being an out of state student than an in state student is?</p>
<p>The net price calculator specifically asks for your state of residence. If you put Arizona, the result you get should be accurate.</p>
<p>You are not just as eligible for grants as an OOS student. </p>
<p>Schools charge high OOS rates for a REASON. What would be the point if they just covered the high cost with grants?? </p>
<p>You need to ask your parents how much they’ll pay. If they won’t pay all/most costs, then UCI will not likely be affordable for you.</p>
<p>The UCs rely HEAVILY on Cal Grants to provide FA to their students. Since you’re OOS, you wouldn’t qualify for a Cal Grant. </p>
<p>Besides, you will likely have a very hard time getting accepted into UCI nursing since it is VERY impacted…likely accepting only instate students. </p>
<p>Not worth paying high OOS costs for a BSN degree. Your instate options will be cheaper and likely easier to get into.</p>
<p>What are your test scores and GPA?</p>
<p>I tried the UCI cost estimator based on:
Parent Marital Status single
Parent Income $40,000
Parent Income was Earned by one
Parent Income Taxes Paid $2,000
Parent Assets $0
Student Income $0
Student Income Taxes Paid $0
Student Assets $0
Number in Household in 2011-12 3
Number of Family Members in College in 2011-12 1
State of Residency Arizona
Housing: live at home</p>
<p>It did estimate that you might get about $11k in aid, but your family would have to pay about $25k per year. this is assuming you’d live with your dad and commute.</p>
<p>You might save money by moving in with your Dad before your 18th birthday, take a gap year whilst establishing CA residence, then apply and attend at IS fee rates.</p>
<p>Actualy, mom2collegekids, I have spoken to the director the Nursing Science department @ UCI multiple times (I keep him updated regularly on my progress in school). He told me that I have a very good chance at being accepted into the school AND the nursing program.</p>
<p>My GPA: 3.96 (unweighted)
SAT: 1900 (Writing: 650, Reading: 640, Math:610)
Class Rank: Top 9 percent</p>
<p>I am a Hospital Volunteer
Have taken Medical Professions I and am currently taking Medical Professions II (I will be a Certified Nursing Assistant by the time I graduate)
I have a job as a sales associate at a retail store
I have had/currently have leadership positions within my school
Member of HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) - Secretary</p>
<p>I know that people keep telling me that I most likely can’t do it, or that Arizona colleges are better for me, but you know what - I will not simply give up a dream just because my family moved to Arizona a year ago. I was born and raised in CA. I will not give up without at least trying and giving my best effort. I want to go to school in CA and that is what I am going to do. I can do this. Thank you for your info.</p>
<p>Plus, that net price is assuming I do not have scholarships right? </p>
<p>@ somemom: I really wish I could
But I need to graduate here in AZ if I want to be able to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. That will really give me a boost up in being accepted into nursing school (anywhere, not just UCI), and will allow me to get a good paying job to help pay for college. I was considering having my dad claim me on his taxes so I would be a dependant under him so I would qualify for the Cal Grant, but I don’t think that would work because they would see that I graduated in AZ, right?</p>
<p>Hey, if you guys don’t mind me asking another question, do any of you know any information about the Regents’ Scholarship?</p>
<p>You should investigate the UC residency requirements. If there’s any way that you can qualify, you should try to do it.</p>
<p>As for the good job you can get as a Certified Nursing Assistant, keep in mind that it’s going to cost you more than $20k/year in OOS fees to attend UCI as an Arizona resident - can you really earn enough to offset those additional charges?</p>
<p>I would suggest that you explore other ways to earn that CNA credential, preferably in California. If you can’t, then so be it - you’ll have to graduate in Arizona. But at least do some research to see if there are other options. Having to enter UCI as an OOS student is really going to be expensive!</p>
<p>My dad and I are going to try and figure out if there is any way that I can qualify for in state residency. </p>
<p>I know there is no way I will be able to offset those additional fees, but I do have money saved up, and other family members that are willing to help me out
<p>My grandfather has disney stock in his name that he has been saving up for me, and I plan to use them to pay for college. Right now, they would add up to around $5,000. </p>
<p>My father is also going to help. My estimated EFC is only for my mother, because they are divorced. My father can afford to contribute around 5,000-7,000. I am also applying for quite a few scholarships that could contribute quite a bit.</p>
<p>I’d like to thank you for your input and replying to my thread. I really appreciate it :)</p>
<p>All I know is that I really want to go to UCI (if not, then college in CA in general) and I know that if I stay in AZ, there is no way I am going to get out until I have a job. CA is my home and I have to get out there sometime, you know?</p>
<p>I have a lot of faith
And while I do know people want me to know the brutal truth about how expensive it is going to be, I already know. I know all too well. All I am looking for is support and some input on what I can do to make things easier - scholarships, etc. </p>
<p>I am not changing my mind about staying at a school in AZ like mom2collegekids said I should. It’s no one else’s place to make that judgement or decision on my behalf, because they don’t know what would be “best” for me. I know it will be okay.</p>
<p>@ dodgersmom - Thanks for not trying to tell me that I should not go to UCI and that I shoulde stay in AZ (whether u think I should or not).</p>
<p>Oh, for goodness sakes, don’t misunderstand - I do think you’re out of your mind (in a youthful, idealistic sort of way :)) . . . $80,000 is a HUGE amount of money, especially if you have to go into debt to pay it off. But, if you’re willing to do what it takes to regain California residency, then maybe it’s possible.</p>
<p>And, if you can get that CNA certification and then live at your Dad’s and work for a year before applying to UCI, you might be able to do it. It would mean taking a gap year, but if you’re willing to do that, you might have a shot. And, if you’re actually working as a CNA for that year, maybe it would even strengthen your application!</p>
<p>Good luck!!!</p>
<p>:) Thanks. I am going to call UCI and talk to them about whether or not it would be possible to get CA residency.</p>
<p>If you’re going to move in with Dad for college, why don’t you move in with him now and do your senior year in CA. I know you’d be giving up your CNA, but the amount you’d save in OOS tuition might be more than you’d earn as a CNA. Does your Dad earn too much $ for CAL grant?</p>
<p>It turns out that I will be eligible for IN state tuition through the Condit Bill because my father still lives in CA :)</p>