Hey, a friend of mine has found out that there is an option specifically on the UCI’s Msg Ctr to “Request a change in major.” Should he send the message to admission now or wait until the admission decision is made? (b/c he is still pending…) He wants to change major now because he is ELC and he had chose Engineering which excludes him from guaranteed admission! Also if he should change major, which is the safest route for right now? Chemistry or Undeclared?
<p>Hi I am in the same situation as that. I went to message center, but I dont see the button "request a change in major" or do you have to send a message to the counselor through message center? I havent received a rejection nor acceptance yet.</p>
<p>Maybe he should wait for his admissions first.</p>
<p>One of my friends who goes to UCI said that if he knew then what he knew now, he would have applied as undeclared. He chose Biology as his major and when the first quarter was done, he found himself placed on academic probation because his grades were really bad. Got a D on his midterm. Going as undeclared would have made his freshman year easier, according to him, because his schedule would have completely been general ed classes.</p>
<p>So his experience tells me that college is hard. He was in Top 5 of his class and that D was his first crap grade ever. He will be changing his major from Bio to History, but his experience should serve as a warning. I'm going in as a BioChem major to whatever campus I decide to go into and what I'll be doing over the summer is taking an Introduction to Chem class.</p>
<p>I hope your friend makes a wise decision concerning his major. I guess that goes for all of us, too, yeah?</p>
<p>Thank you UClippers05 and j.project for the responses. </p>
<p>My friend is here with me right now and he's worried that b/c of his stats (decent but not extremely high) he wont be accepted to the competitive school of Engineering. If he should wait, he would need to appeal and that will take longer than changing major right now. His situation is different b/c he was guaranteed, but he had made a mistake. He never really wanted engineering and thought that b/c of his guaranteed admission, he could change it later, not realizing that it was excluded.</p>
<p>He wants to know now whether he should wait then to appeal later? or send msg to counselor now regarding the decision he'd made. However, doing it now might cause his application to be reevaluated and perhaps lose the spot in UCI -- that is if he was already accepted but not notified.</p>
<p>Yeah I am in the same situation. I am also ELC and my parents didnt show me my elc letter from UCI till last week. My 1st major was Biology and my alternate was Bio-Engineering. Now I want to change it. How can I change it?</p>
<p>Do I send them a message or is there an actual button to change the major? I want to change my Alternate major just in case something goes wrong w/Bio-Engineering.</p>
<p>What should we do?</p>
<p>Well, the friend of mine told me today that after talking to his counselor, changing major now would run the risk of being removed from the spot (if one was accepted but wasn't notified) and be reevaluated again under the consideration that spaces might not be available in the new major.</p>
<p>However, if you were rejected...changing major now would be a lot quicker than waiting for the appeal...</p>
<p>So yea, he said he's very confused as to what he should do....anyone else got any more advices as to which risk is better? changing major now and possibly be reevaluated (perhaps still under ELC guaranteed status?) OR wait for the admission decision then appeal later?</p>
<p>As to your previous question of how to the "request a major change" just click "send message to admission" and there's a link that says change major...so yea i guess it would be the same as sending a message to admission...</p>
<p>which couselor college or high school? i say call uci and see what they say and also ask them about my problem w/ the alternate major thing and tell me the results please.</p>