UCI or UCR for biological sciences?

Hi! I’m deciding between UCI and UCR both for biological sciences. My goal is to graduate with a B.S. and go to medical school.
Both have good biology programs but I know UCI is probably more competitive/larger class sizes. My parents are leaning toward UCR because they think I will stand out in a smaller/less popular college. I think they also assume the classes would be a little easier at UCR than at UCI. Also, UCR has the Thomas Haider program (which I know is competitive…25 students from UCR undergrad). Overall, I’ve been doing research and have been hearing that if you go to UCR as an undergrad, you have a better chance at getting into UCR med school, but I don’t know if this is true because UCI holds some level of prestige (at least more than UCR). I like that the Thomas Haider doesn’t require MCAT, but I don’t like that the program doesn’t allow you to apply to other med schools, meaning I’d have to take a year off after undergrad to apply to med schools, so that’s a con.
What I’ve heard about UCI bio classes is that it’s hard and class sizes are big. A friend recommended I don’t take honors bio classes because it’s really difficult to get an A and it wouldn’t be good for my GPA.
I love both schools but I’m really 50-50 right now and I need to make a decision soon. I want to go to a college where it’s easier for me to get a better GPA, stand out in my class and be able to get letters of recs from professors, get involved with research/internships/jobs related to medicine, etc.
I like UCI because it’s close to home and I’d just commute to school every day (also cheaper than if I were to dorm at UCR). My mom went to UCI but her insight is kinda irrelevant now since that was years ago. I’ve lived in Irvine my whole life and I’m familiar with the place and the people. Going to UCR would be a big leap for me but if it’s what I have to do, I’ll do it. I just want to know if it’s worth it to go to UCR, and whether there are more advantages for a biological sciences student wanting to go to med school. Also if any of you could give me insight on the classes (class size, professors, difficulty).
I’m going to tour both campuses in the next week, so I hope that will also help me make my decision.
Thank you!

As a UCR Highlander alumnus, the Thomas Haider accelerated medical program (1 year faster than normal pre med) is EXTREMELY BRUTAL! You can also go the normal Medical School route which is slightly less stressful…UCR has the first new Medical School in 50 years in California and is the fastest growing UC for a reason…still has the Personal Touch many other UC’s lack. I wouldn’t worry about prestige (which UCR has…moved up 39 spots (#85) on 2019 US News…biggest jump of any college in the NATION!) for medical since GPA/MCAT scores, and putting in the required hard work most important. Know many Doctors from UC Riverside (some successfully completing Thomas Haider Program) and would highly recommend the campus. Best to tour each though and see the best fit as you cannot go wrong at either!

Also see comments in the post in this section (Univ. of CA - General) re: deciding on UCR, UCM or UCSC - premed track.