<p>I was admitted into UCI for School of Social Sciences and UCSD for Thurgood Marshall.</p>
<p>I am definitely majoring in a social science- psych, socio, philo, poli sci, or something of the sort.</p>
<p>I am very torn on this whole thing. One day I am 100% feeling for UCI, the next our I am 100% feeling for UCSD.</p>
<p>I don’t care about prestige of UCSD over UCI.
I want to get into law school and so I want to know which of the two schools is it better to attend to get a higher GPA while majoring in the social sciences.
Getting a high GPA IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME (this is the reason why i’m turning down berkeley and ucla, for easier competition at uci or ucsd).</p>
<p>So considering that I want to law school and major in a social science (psych, socio, philo, poli sci, or something of the sort) and graduate with the highest GPA possible, which school should I attend? UCI or UCSD?</p>