UCI Rescind Policy

Hello, I am an admitted freshman student to UCI. This past senior year, I had personal problems that caused me to get one D in my first semester and second semester of my senior year. If I had already met the A-G requirements my junior year for Math and I got a D in my precalculus class is it still considered an A-G course? and will I get rescinded even though the rest of my grades are A’s and B’s?

Rule of thumb for the UC’s is no D’s or F’s Senior year. That said, most schools do not like to rescind and if you have some extenuating circumstances that lead to the D’s then you might have a strong case. Much will depend upon UCI admissions, so you should contact them now and find out your options. Transcripts are due next month, so it is better to be proactive and handle situation as soon as possible.

Did you notify UCI about the 1st semester D after applying? It is a requirement according to their website.

Freshmen: If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail. Your correspondence must include your name, UC Application ID number and your signature (if you mail a letter), and will be available to all the campuses to which you applied.

Yes, I notified them both times immediately. I had to obtain a job due to financial problems and then during my senior year second semester I had to attend court for personal reasons, so I missed a lot of school, therefore it being very hard to catch up in my precal class. I already called before multiple times and each time they said it was a possibility but no guarantee and none of them would be able to tell me anymore specifics until my transcripts were sent.

Any way to go to UCI admissions office and drop off your transcript to have them look it over as soon as possible so at least they can give you some kind of options?

I sent my official transcript to Irvine as well as myself. Should I request an unofficial transcript and show that one to them? or just show them the official one i requested for myself?

I would think that any transcript official/unofficial you can show an advisor/counselor at UCI so they can at least give you an idea what your chances are for keeping your acceptance should help. I would see about making an appointment as soon as possible.

Best of luck.

okay I will, thank you very much for your help/advice!