uci tag question

<p>Hi, for UCI TAG it says i need to complete micro/macro economics, and two quarters of calculus. Does this mean i can sign up for the tag, and complete these courses before i transfer, or do they have to be complete at the time i sign the tag. I have taken micro/macro econ already, i have calculus left, and am planning to apply this coming fall.

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>taken straight from the UCI website: "The transferable mathematics and first transferable English composition course must be completed prior to the time of your appointment."</p>

<p>so if you are using Calculus to meet the math requirement then you are screwed; otherwise they will tell you what you need to complete when you sign the agreement.</p>

<p>well ive completed a precalc course which is a transferable course, but the calculus requirement is for the econ major it self, meaning i can complete the calculus anytime before i attend uci?</p>


<p>You just have to complete the calc requirement the spring before transfer.</p>