<p>Don’t lose hope guys!! My friend TAG’d UCI as well but he still hasnt heard back from them yet! So, unless he somehow messed up, there will definitely be (a lot) more acceptances coming out! Congratz to everyone who got in :)</p>
<p>I got in! </p>
<p>Think they’re done with this batch that just came along…next one coming next Wednesday maybe?</p>
<p>Maybe Friday! They have released decisions on Wednesday and Friday! I’m trying really hard not to worry cuz a ton of people got accepted on the 24th and throughout the end of the month :)!</p>
<p>congrats everyone! i was on waitlist until the end and got in, but got into ucla from april 20th last year and davis…</p>
<p>so keep hope if you are firm on iv…i think iv just wants to let the best in first who wants to go to iv hard and have that gpa and extra’s (but usually those who do choose la/berk/sd/sb) then they will let everyone who is adamant from the waitlist in the end…as long as there is space and you put in considerable effort of course…</p>
<p>CONGRATS!!! You’re the UC to UC transfer, right??</p>
<p>@lemonade box, embarrassing as it is to admit in a forum full of better scholars, my GPA is 3.22 and I got in last week. </p>
<p>I can’t stop checking this thread since I developed the habit of stalking it when awaiting decisions, and now I’m anxious to see you all get in!! :)</p>
<p>just checked ms sun’s page and she said irvine will be having a waitlist, so that’s sort of good news! and it seems like they accepted at least half the people on the waitlist last year, and i think everyone from the year before :)</p>
<p>there were also huge batches on the 23rd and 27th last year with some people in between… so don’t lose hope!</p>
<p>@fkhan0 Thank you! & yes I am! congratulations to you too! I can’t stop checking either. I’m also hoping everyone else gets in.</p>
<p>Well at least know that a bunch of us still haven’t heard back yet so you’re not alone in your wait. POWER TO THE PEOPLE…I dunno lol. Still waiting of course, but I’m just trying to distract myself on tumblr and trying not to think about it since we’re probably gonna end up hearing next week. I’m just gonna wait for the e-mail. Congrats to everybody who got in and don’t lose hope if you’re still waiting! :P</p>
<p>@clamfest yeah I’m done refreshing my portal until I get that email. Likely to be next week if I don’t receive anything tomorrow. At least we aren’t alone on this whole ordeal anyway, but the sooner we know the better!</p>
<p>@anadela exactly! Of course we want to know NOW, but there’s no sense in stressing, when you know it’s probably going to come later anyway :P</p>
<p>Seems whoever predicted the Wednesday batch was correct</p>
<p>For all of you out of state california residents here is some home</p>
UC GPA: 3.76
SCHOOL: Rutgers University
Prereqs: about half done
TAG: N</p>
<p>good luck all!</p>
<p>For those accepted, where will you guys be living?</p>
<p>GPA: 3.84
Major:Computer Engineering
prerequisites: All completed
Last English/Math completion: Spring 2013 (Linear Algebra and Advanced Composition)</p>
<p>Just got admitted into UCI transferring from UCSC with a 3.45 GPA Psychology student
I am a statistics tutor and also involved in countless student organizations.
I had a strong upward trend and the last three quarters up to fall of my sophomore year I had a 3.8+ gpa. I think thats what got me in as well as my personal statement.</p>
<p>@commando I’ll likely be living in Camino del sol! </p>
<p>Sent from my SGH-T999 using CC</p>
<p>ugh!!! still no response</p>
<p>Well, I haven’t been accepted yet, but I did just get an email about my financial aid. Looks like they got my application :)</p>
<p>@fromsctola ahh congrats, I’m also a uc-uc… I have. 3.53 gpa and a bunch of ECs hope I get in…!!! Major is biological sciences, back up is evolution and ecology I think lol</p>
<p>Can anyone post their transfer financial aid package screen shot, please??</p>