UCI/UCD Environmental Science Programs

<p>Hi can anyone tell me a little about Irvine or Davis environmental science programs? Also which school do you think is better overall (as in dorms, social life, food, etc.) Thanks!</p>

<p>Socially, I'd say UCD is better, as I've heard quite a few people say that UCI is a commuter campus. I can vouch for the dorms and stuff in Davis, loving it so far. Not even sick of the food yet. :)</p>

<p>Not sure about the major, but my guess academically there is little to no difference between the two. I'd visit the campuses.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>More students live on campus at UCI than at UCD (36% at UCI, 20% at UCD). Still since most people in CA live in socal, there are a lot of people who live close to UCI and can easily go home on the weekend. I would say UCI's greeklife is much better than UCD's if youre interested in that.</p>

<p>More students live on campus at UCI than at UCD (36% at UCI, 20% at UCD). </p>

<p>^This is because housing is only guaranteed for freshman, so after that everyone disperses into houses/apartments in Davis. I think I read that 91%? of freshman live on campus.</p>

<p>My friend in UCI loves (absolutely) the environmental science program. Any class relating to that field according to him, is amazing. I know he was a Bio major for 3 years of his UCI career, then he took an environmental sciences class and fell in love (he was quite unhappy with Bio Major).</p>

<p>I say, in terms of dorms, social life, etc. I have friends at UCD that absolutely are cool with it but they consider it boring, I know friends at UCD who love it and absolutely would not change their school for the world.</p>

<p>Same thing with UCI, the environmental friend I have absolutely loves the community, has fun, is part of greek life (which he loves), is a casual party person, keeps his grades up, volunteers and works for the UCI PD.</p>

<p>And since he works in UCI PD he knows about the safety (Irvine is one of the safest cities in the world!) and he also knows of the social life.
If you're asian, you'll have a social life.... actually, let me correct that, if you want to have an amazing social life and have fun, do well in school, graduate, YOU WILL.</p>

<p>My friend says there's too many people who are at UCI and complain and whine about not having a social life but that's because they DON'T want to!
they just spend all their weekends going back home or hanging out in their dorm rooms.</p>

<p>So, if you have a will... there is a way :P</p>

<p>Cutieflutie08, incoming freshmen for UC Irvine are guaranteed two years of housing on campus. However, it's common for 1st years to live in dorms and then commute in their second year even with the guarantee.</p>

<p>I'd side on UC Davis on this one. It was known as the "University Farm". Therefore I would assume anything having to do with Biological Sciences or Environmental or Agricultural Sciences would be huge. </p>

<p>As for social life at UCI, I've visited the campus on weekdays and it is quite busy. On the weekends, it was quite empty. </p>

<p>As for UCD and facts alone, UCD has the Aggie Pack, the largest student-run school spirit organization in the United States.
The</a> Aggie Pack
As for greeklife, come on. Have you people forgotten about "MTV's Sorority Life" (Google UCD MTV's Sorority Life)? That was UCD. I'm sure they have a great greek system.
Sorority</a> Life 1
Sorority</a> Life</p>

<p>But by all means, please check out each university by yourself to decide which university is really right for you.</p>