*uci/ucsc waitlist 2017*

Accepted: Oregon, SFSU, UCM
Waitlisted: UCI, UCSC
Rejected: UCSB, Washington

GPA: 3.84

Major: Physical sciences

So I’ve come to the conclusion that I will either accept my admissions offer from the University of Oregon or San Francisco State depending on what kind of financial aid Oregon gives me (I’d be paying out of state tuition being a California resident) and I will patiently wait until I hear back from both UCI and UCSC to see if I’ve been admitted off the waitlist. UCI has been my top choice through out high school and I just visited UCSC this past weekend and fell in love with the atmosphere so those two schools have secured a place as my top choices. So with that being said how likely is it that I’m accepted off of either waitlist? Any tips or words of advice would be greatly appreciated also!

Getting off the waitlists is all dependent upon how many applicants end up enrolling in either school thus making spots available for the waitlisted applicants. Up until last year, UCSC took no one off their waitlist. Each year is different and no way to predict so all you can do is patiently wait.

Best of luck and hope you hear from one of the schools after May 1.

Hey guys, I have a 3.7 GPA and I want to get into business at UCI what are my chances of getting off the waitlist

I just got accepted off UCSC waitlist today. I feel so thankful. I pray that youre happy wherever you go!!

Did you just get accepted off the waitlist? Did you write an appeal? Also, what were your stats, like GPA and SAT/ACT scores???