<p>So I am a currently enrolled freshman here at UCI, my hometown being San Diego.
I came in as a an informatics major but am seriously looking into Accounting.
With that being said, I was looking at the local socal universities and their undergrad
business departments. UCSD does not offer any undergrad business programs, closest being
their economics department. So with that said, my options were to either stay here or attend my hometown local state school, SDSU.</p>
<p>UCI JUST opened up their undergad business program and are only taking 150 freshmen a year and change-of-majors into the program wont be allowed until 2010, in which a very select few, and i mean very, will get accepted into the program. SDSU, though may not be as prestige as the whole "UC > CSU" system goes, has actually a very solid business program. To be honest, I could actually care less about the prestige bias. My question is based pretty much on which route I should take. Opinions please!</p>
<p>If I go back home, which I will do through community college second year, I would be saving A LOT more money. But I'm also a bit worried about trying to get in as a Business Ad major, since it IS the most popular major at State.</p>
<p>If I stay here, I worry about the limited enrollment into the young program.</p>