UCI vs UC Berkeley vs UCLA vs UCSD

I got into all four under chemistry. I got into the UCI Honors Program, and am thinking of pre-med. Anyone have any suggestions for which one I should choose?

All great schools and similar in undergraduate chemistry. The best option is to visit each and see where you fit in best.

Things to consider:
What’s cost of living like? Include travel costs, or sticking around in the summers.
How easy is it to change majors? It’s nearly impossible to switch into engineering at UCSD.
How easy is it to find volunteer opportunities? It’s fairly competitive at UCB.
What social scene do you want? UCB has a row of fraternity mansions and SF; LA is LA; UCSD bans frats but has the beach.
What connections do undergrads have with the med schools?
What specializations do you want within Chemistry?
How easy is it to earn an internship in a lab - and quickly?
What extra curricular activities do you want?
How much individual attention do you want? UCSD has residential colleges, you have the honors program at UCI