<p>ok guys heres my question, I got into UCLA and UCI for anthropology, but now I am attempting to get a last minute change of major at UCI for ecology, and evolutionary bio.. my question is bearing that I can get my major changed and i am going to assume so because my friends with lower stats switched to bio for uci, should i go to UCLa and study a major that i am not as interested as in as i once was ( i have always dreamed of going to ucla) or do i go to uci which is nice just doesnt hold the name as does ucla and study something that truly sparks me. suggestions are welcome. thanks.</p>

<p>how about biological anthropology at UCLA? Since you did get admitted as an Anthropology major at UCLA. Evolutionary Biology and Ecology... I dont know much about the latter besides it probably pertaining to eco systems.... but the former is analogous to evolutionary anthropology.</p>

<p>go to UCLA, otherwise you are rtard</p>

<p>retard huh? ok. thanks.</p>

<p>brownfx, which one are you leaning towards?</p>

<p>uhmm 50/50 i just want to be positively sure i can switch my major at the I</p>

<p>rtard -- it's from southpark</p>

<p>I vote UCLA.</p>

<p>But my vote is biased. I dated a jerk from UCI and his UCI friends I met weren't bright and mean -_-</p>

<p>Hehe, I know, totally not a valid reason for you not to go to UCI but that's just my $.02</p>

<p>if i go to uci im like disappointing my family... i think my mom will cry if i dont go to ucla.</p>

<p>Im kinda in a similar situation, my mom doesnt want me to go to ucla. If i go to ucla, she will be "disappointed" because shes advocating for berkeley!</p>

<p>I didnt really like berkeley though...which is weird cuz i thought i would.</p>

<p>In berkeley i have my major as communications, and at ucla i dont :(</p>

<p>ah.. well the way i see it is my mom isnt going to school i am. but i dont know its hard to reject the ucla name. so do we have till 11:59 tomorrow night or friday night?</p>

<p>we have until friday @ 5pm haha</p>

<p>Im not going to make my decision until the last minute!</p>

<p>oh snap. haha this will be a tough one.</p>