UCI vs UVA for computer science

Hi I’m an international student planning to major in cs, and I was wondering whether which university is better. Tuition is nearly the same so it doesn’t matter, and I’m more concerned about internships and employment.

You shouldn’t have any issue with either school for internships.

As for employment, you are expected to return to your country after graduation. If your country can offer employment for you, then you should be set.

Some students can extend their stay, in the US, via an OPT (Optional Training Practice). After that, all bets are off. Admission to a US university, is just that, admission only. You are not guaranteed any employment. That’s an immigration issue.

You need permission, to stay in the US, from the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) by having a US sponsor, which is currently very difficult. If you gain admission to a US university, and you imply that you intend to find work, and not return to your country, then you will not be granted a student visa to study in the US. There are people with visas in the US who have been waiting DECADEs for permission to stay in the US.

US companies are required to offer positions to US citizens first. Some companies do not want to deal with the hassle of sponsorship/ fees and awaiting years of paperwork. They may offer an OPT but they are not obligated to provide further employment to non-citizens.

Make sure you do some research before you make your plans for employment in the US.
My daughter is on a hiring committee for her employer in CS. Because of their contractual obligations to the US government, they are not hiring non-citizens.
My husband interviews technical engineers and CS candidates for his large company. His company’s website indicates that they cannot sponsor non-citizens for ANY positions in his company. This also includes office staff positions.


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