UCLA (50K) vs FSU (17K)

i plan on living in california after college so i feel like ucla would give me more connections but i would have to take about 100k in loans so idk if it’s worth it! it’s also my dream school and i’m from a big city so i feel like tallahassee would be hell for me…help plz :star_struck:

Who is taking those loans? As a student, you won’t be able to do so without either a cosigner, or your parents taking the loans. All you can take is $5500 your freshman year in federally funded Direct Loans.

So…who will be either cosigning or taking those loans?

And I would totally ditch the “dream school” thing. You need to choose a college that is both acceptable to you…and affordable.


Why did you apply to FSU if you don’t like it/Tallahassee?

Do you have any other affordable acceptances which would not require more than the $27K max undergrad student loans? $100K is too much for undergrad loans (and as Thumper says, someone else like your parents would have to take out the other $73K in loans).

Do the math on what it’ll take to service your debt and you’ll quickly determine that FSU is the way to go.

Also, “dream school” is grossly overrated. UCLA is a big state school like the rest, warts and all.


Good idea!

Here’s a handy dandy loan payment calculator. $100K in loans at 5% (that’s the student rate, so overall rate likely to be higher) would require a $1,060 payment every month for 10 years…120 months in a row.

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And that’s post-tax money.


You know the answer- you just don’t like it.


What is your major ? Just curious. It doesn’t matter tho.

$100k. Hopefully your folks aren’t crazy enough to sign for that ?

FSU is a fantastic admit.

Good luck.

Ps you can get to the west from any school. But who can afford to live there ??

What is your major? Film?

I’m assuming you got the OOS tuition waiver. Did you get honors as well?

Tally isn’t a Metropolis but there’s things to do and lots of clubs if you put yourself out there.

S21 is there now. He visits his brother in Atlanta. He just went to Tampa with friends for Taylor Swift. A car isn’t required but it’s helpful.

Btw. I’ve been to a fair number of campuses. It seems like the kids at FSU are some of the happiest students I’ve met.

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The OP hasn’t stated whether his or her parents are OK with the costs. If they are OK with spending this money, I think it’s insulting to call them “crazy”.

But back to the question.

Both schools will provide you with a fine undergrad education. UCLA is an excellent school for sure. FSU is fine.

I think you need to understand the implications of those loans before you make a decision. Please discuss this very carefully with your parents.

I have a son who has always lived in large Metro areas. He had your same concerns. He had an internship last summer in Tally and loved the city. He is going back this summer to intern with the same company and is excited about it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


I’ve enjoyed Tally the few times I’ve been there. There are things to do but it’s no NYC or LA. If that’s going to be an issue then reconsider. That said, your attitude will play the biggest role in your happiness no matter which school you attend. Good luck.

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Based on cost, I would choose Florida State. Tallahassee isn’t NYC, but there will be plenty to do. You can get a perfectly wonderful education there, and not be stuck with a $1000 monthly loan payment upon (or soon after…) graduating.


The way I put it to my DD who thought she wanted to be somewhere exotic for school, but it wasn’t in the budget: College is 4 years of your life. You may be spending your summers elsewhere, so after breaks, etc., maybe 8 months a year on campus. 32 months of your life and maybe some of that is study abroad elsewhere too. Do you want to hock the next 10+ years for a 32 month location experience? Or do you want to have the freedom of no loans, to live wherever you want after college?

And for OP to want to live in CA after college, the expensive cost of living there could be much more doable when debt free.


The OP did state this.

The OP said, “i would have to take about 100k in loans so idk if it’s worth it”

The OP’s parents won’t pay this back. The OP will pay this back.

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As several has stated above, OP can’t take out $100k in undergrad loans.

All the loans beyond the $27k undergrad student loans will be in the parents’ names.

Maybe OP will pay that back($1k-$1.2k per month) but they can’t be required too. The loans will impact the parents’ credit scores, ability to get other debt, potentially take away from their ability to save for retirement, pay for school of any siblings, etc)

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The way the OP phrased it, the burden to repay will 100% shift to him/her after graduation. I am well aware of the consequences.

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Where was this stated?

I think the OP needs to find out IF his parents really are willing to co-sign these loans for him…or take them out for his use.