UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

UCLA does not post any admission decisions until March. I believe the response by @user_653502 is in regards to the application portal information email being received.


UCLA decisions won’t be out until March. The posters are talking about the application portals being up for each campus.

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I am sure I just want to get into UCLA so badly that am just trying to read something into an email that means nothing . . . but did anyone else get an email from UCLA this morning thanking them for applying and saying “While we’re reviewing applications, learn about all the amazing aspects of attending UCLA by checking out our website”?

Yes. My D22 just did and I remember my S18 receiving something similar when he applied, too. He was accepted that year but I’m not reading into it. Keeping fingers crossed tho!

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It’s marketing. What is coming up ( likely sent out in a couple of weeks) are the invitations for the alumni scholarship. @10s4life can best explain. An invitation doesn’t mean you’ve been admitted or necessarily that you will be admitted, but I think it would be a positive sign.


Thanks. My sister (class of 2020) got the alumni scholarship invitation and then an augmented review request, but she was eventually rejected by UCLA (but got into Cal). I expect this will be a wild ride.


I’ve seen the invitation described as correlation but not causation. Regents is a different matter.


My S22 also received the email. Wish it were an indication of something positive!

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got it here too. doubt it means anything

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I don’t think there is even a correlation anymore. I think they send it out to just about everyone.

UCLA does not formally offer early acceptance to Regents candidates. However, if a student is considered high enough to be considered for Regents, it is extremely likely they will get in.

Just posting more information regarding the Alumni scholarship and @lkg4answers is correct that UCLA sent out Alumni scholarship invites to almost all applicants last year.

The Alumni Association is independent of UCLA admissions. There is only a one way flow of information:

  1. UCLA admissions give the Alumni Association a list of some subset of applicants for the invitation email. Then the invitation is sent out and people apply for the Alumni scholarship.

  2. After UCLA admissions have announced their admission decisions, they give the Alumni Association a list of admitted students so they can screen out any scholarship applications from those who weren’t admitted before starting to read them.

The only time information goes the other way is when the Alumni Association tell financial aid about the awarded scholarships.

So there is no impact on the admission decision from any Alumni scholarship application. The fact that there may be correlation (depending on how selective UCLA admissions were in compiling the original list for the invitation email) is in no way causation.

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hi Gumbymom. What is meant by [quote=“Gumbymom, post:33, topic:3536359”]
a list of some subset of applicants
[/quote]. Do you think this is a list of applicants screened purely by academic stats? Or would this more likely be a list of students applying for financial aid? Thanks

The Alumni association has different criteria in awarding the scholarship so UCLA admissions will review the application and then give a list of possible candidates (subset) to the Alumni association. Last year they increased the # of applicants that were invited to apply by a huge margin.

This quote is taken from an Alumni scholarship essay reader and also had a son go through the process.

The shortlisting process appears to be based primarily on a) did you write an essay that stands out and gets noticed by your reader and b) your community service and similar ECs. Its different from the Regents scholarship which is based more on pure academic talent (and obviously relies on the original UC application for shortlisting.)

Ms Sun has a good write up in regards to the Alumni scholarship: Invitation to Apply for UC Alumni Scholarships | Ask Ms. Sun


I just got the email for the alumni scholarship


Congrats! Can you paste text of email?

@10s4life what does it mean if you didn’t get the email for the alumni scholarship?

You do not need to get an invite to apply for the scholarship and although it is nice to be considered and recognized as a candidate for the scholarship, it really does not mean much in terms of admission. Read post # 30 and the link for Ms Sun’s blog.

I think this?

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Is this ?
My daughter got LOR from UCB also. But she got in early decision liberal arts school.

In previous years the application was open to everyone, regardless of whether or not you received an email.

Regents, on the other hand, required a unique code that was only sent to select students.