UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

For the alumni scholarship invite email, is it this one? It seems like a lot of people received it. So I am not sure.

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Anybody get regents UCLA?

Anyone got regents UCLA here?

Im not certain regents was released yet at UCLA.

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ya it hasn’t came out for me too

Can international students receive a regents invitation

When will Regent invites be sent?

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Within next couple weeks

what % will get invite for Regen? Thanks.

Any chances of success, unweighted 3.89, W 5.0, leader ship, Varsity lacrosse, soccer, Student council leader ship, vice president, research, Boys State

What are the UC GPA’s? GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub
In-state or OOS?

I will calculate the UC GPA

3.83, WGPA 4.69 and capped 4.06 oOS

Based on the UCOP Freshman summary with a Capped weighted UC GPA of 3.80-4.19, the admit rate was around 7%. This data does not take into consideration major, EC’s and personal insight essays. UCLA will consider all 3 UC GPA’s and the Fully weighted UC GPA is within a competitive range for UCLA. Chances are probably higher than posted but UCLA should be considered a Reach school for all applicants with an overall acceptance rate of 14%. Over 50% of UCLA applicants had a unweighted GPA of 4.0.


Does anyone have any experience or thoughts about this? We are quite baffled.
My son had his interview with UCLA for Acting last Thursday. They gave an hour informational discussion regarding the Department. The staff was very friendly. Then they called him for his one on one. I must say it was extremely disappointing. The interviewer , an elderly gentleman, did not introduce himself nor what his position was, was not very friendly, asked two questions and no follow ups or conversation. At the end he stated “I’m good if you’re good”. The interview lasted all of 5 minutes. Not sure what to make of it. My son is extremely personable and very comfortable with adults and interviews.

Sounded like an audition for a movie

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I replied with mine earlier on the BFA Prescreen thread and again, I am sorry your son had that experience. My daughter’s interview is tomorrow and with her permission, I’ll share her thoughts/ experience. FWIW, I have a friend who was a reader for a UC and she said they typically spent about five minutes reading each application, so the fact ours are even getting interviews for TFT is an honor! Stay Bruin Strong!!

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Thank you!! I hope it goes well for her. I have recently learned that the interviews are meant to be very short. Sounds like they have a lot on their plates. We shall see. Good luck!!!

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Anyone else get the email today from George Brown about the Prospective Scholars Day?