UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

When are we expecting UCLA regents email to come?

Where did you hear?

did everyone get the ucla alumni scholarship reminder email? I already got it once in january and again now.

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Please do report back on the Zoom! My son is tapped out :wink: And still working on the Alumni app itself. Thanks.

My son received his Alumni Scholarship email today.

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Cool, I’ve gotten it twice so far. Is it the same for him or only once?

Please report back. We would love to know about your experience.

I think first time but then again he may have missed it in his emails earlier. I’ll have to ask him when he gets home.

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So did everyone get the alumni scholarship thing about an hour ago?

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regents at 3:30??

yes - we did


Nope. I think they are only sending to those who started or submitted their Alumni application

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I did not start mine yet and I got the email.

Hmm then it is strange. We did not get it

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Are you 100% sure they are coming today?

not 100%, but it should’ve come out last friday

it would make sense for it to come today

I don’t think anyone knows for sure. Everyone is speculating based on what has happened in years past. UCLA has not notified anyone about when the invites will go out.


Only like 100 kids get it, considerably less than CAL, so it could take a while for the news to circulate.