UCLA and Berkeley

<p>I am going to Orange Coast College (one of the highest transfer rated colleges in the U.S), and this is my last semester, I have applied to 10 colleges but my top 2 (which I really want to go) happen to be UCLA, and UC Berkeley. I have a 3.76 (unweighted) GPA and have finished all the general education needed to transfer (with 65.3 units). What are my chances of getting in. At UCLA I applied as a Communication Studies Major and at Berkeley I applied as a Media Studies major, I really want to know my chances of getting in. I think I have a pretty good shot. Thanks.
P.S. I wrote really good essays, atleast I think.</p>

<p>The average GPA for communication studies at UCLA for 2008’s applicants was 3.89.</p>

<p>how are your ECs?</p>

<p>i would say a good shot at berkeley, but a slim one at ucla…for ucla’s comm major, the average gpa admitted was 3.89</p>

<p>you don’t get weighted grade points in college like you do in high school.</p>

<p>What i meant by weighted JetForce was not including the units I am getting for AP classes in highschool (15.9 units to be exact)
and to GlamFairyDust.
I know their average was 3.89 but that also means that there were some lower ones as well and I wrote some damn good essays.</p>

<p>would you PM me your essays?
i’m curious what ‘damn good’ looks like…</p>

<p>I didn’t mean to sound pompous, when I said damn good essays, I just did the best I could, and when I was finished I thought it was a great essay but sure.</p>

<p>no worries, man. i wasn’t suggesting anything… but i will be judging you in, like, 5 minutes ;)</p>

<p>I heard that the lowest GPA that UCLA admitted into Comm was 3.65 so you have a shot!</p>

<p>sorry to burst your bubble, man, but i give it a 7/10.
it was kind of repetitious (‘sparked interest’ x3).
had more than a few punctuation errors.
some grammatical shakiness.
i think you pluralized two words that should have been left singular.
the content was alright, at its best. cliche, at its worst.
did anyone other than you take a look at this before you sent it in?
don’t worry, though. i’m sure you’ll do fine.
i’m just some pseudonym with 0 impact on your admissions decision.
best of luck.</p>

<p>I got it proof-read by a counseler from USC and a professor from UC Davis they thought it showed a personality which is what UC’s like when there’s nothing but just rhetoric and promises. They thought i showed my character and liked the little bit of cliche, it was supposed to show how I like to write, in a colorful way.
But thanks for the reading as well everyones opinion is worthy.</p>

<p>I hope i get into UCLA or Berkeley.</p>

<p>Berkeley’s is just as impacted but accepts more.</p>

<p>my friend wants to apply under the same majors haha. did you complete your pre-reqs for each major? comm at ucla is an impacted major and i hear the transfer admission is really competitive. you’re not TAP certified?</p>

<p>I completed all of the pre-reqs. And no I did not get tap certified. I didn’t realize that I had the grades to go to these schools until this last semester so I had no time.</p>

<p>But I finished all prereq. and am in the middle of their transfer gpa. So only time will tell</p>

<p>where does it say damn good, i just see really good essays</p>

<p>post #5. </p>

<p>mbear, the people to whom you showed your essay should be fired immediately.</p>

<p>that’s pretty shady for you to say even if you are just kidding.</p>

<p>chibi, there’s this urge that i have… to disregard anything you say… but sometimes i just can’t fight it off. i think they should be fired because they overlooked some really simple (and obvious) errors that anyone remotely paying attention would have caught. as faculty members, they should have earnestly proof read bear’s essay and not just brushed it off, giving him an “A for effort,” as i suspect is what happened. </p>

<p>and bear, that’s not to say anything about you. sometimes, especially in writing, the author’s objectivity becomes compromised after a long period of time spent writing and revising the same piece. as you go on in the process, at least in my experience, it gets harder and harder to catch simple mistakes because, toward the end, you’re trying to look at and shape the bigger picture… the final product. i know that when i had finished my essays, after reading over them some obscene number of times, there were still things that i missed. only after 5 or 6 proof readers was i comfortable in thinking that everything was as in order as it could be.
in my opinion, your prof/counselor did you a disservice. but hey… that’s just me.
hope everything works out.
don’t stress.</p>

<p>SERIOUSLY STOP PINKERFLOYD! I am so sick of coming onto this board and reading every single thing you have to say and having it be rude, unnecessary, or just plain spiteful. I don’t care if you think you are just so funny and saracastic, maybe 2 people would agree to that and that is because they act as your sidekicks here on this board. Seriously,what is the deal! Why do you feel the need to push everybody even further down than they already are. We are all people trying ask/help others in their pursuit of higher education and you compulsively abuse your right to offer advice with dumb comments that represent nothing but mean and attention grabbing one liners. Please, for the sake of everyone on this board trying to help and be helped, stop.</p>

<p>chill out, mom.</p>

<p>chibi, there’s this urge that i have… to disregard anything you say… but sometimes i just can’t fight it off.

  • yeah i have the same urge to disregard anything you say too. but considering the fact that you are an ignorant dick, i can’t fight it off. </p>

<p>“i think they should be fired because they overlooked some really simple (and obvious) errors that anyone remotely paying attention would have caught.”

  • what i don’t understand is what gives you the authority to determine that the errors made were “simple” to catch? maybe the professors that proof-read the paper felt that the “errors” the writer made was what made the paper more human. also note, that the objective of the personal statements isnt to see how well of a writer you are, but who you are. if they really cared about grammar and stuff, they wouldn’t have a word-limit.</p>

<p>“as faculty members, they should have earnestly proof read bear’s essay and not just brushed it off, giving him an “A for effort,” as i suspect is what happened.”

  • they probably did read his essay and felt it was great because it reflected his personality. if im not mistaken, bear felt the same way as well. yet your inconsiderate self decides to degrade bear and say his essay “wasn’t the best”.</p>

<p>“and bear, that’s not to say anything about you. sometimes, especially in writing, the author’s objectivity becomes compromised after a long period of time spent writing and revising the same piece. as you go on in the process, at least in my experience, it gets harder and harder to catch simple mistakes because, toward the end, you’re trying to look at and shape the bigger picture… the final product. i know that when i had finished my essays, after reading over them some obscene number of times, there were still things that i missed. only after 5 or 6 proof readers was i comfortable in thinking that everything was as in order as it could be.”

  • that is the point. after having 5 or 6 proof readers, the essay loses it’s personality and simply becomes “another paper”; something admission officers dont want. im sure the people who looked over bear’s paper only gave him their two-cents on whether or not the message got across. and to them, they felt it did. the personal statement isnt an english paper, it’s a statement. </p>

<p>“in my opinion, your prof/counselor did you a disservice. but hey… that’s just me.”

  • yes, it is just you. you shouldnt promote disrespectful perspectives on life. when someone does a favor for you, you thank them; not insult them and say - “they did you a disservice”. did you ever learn manners?</p>

<p>bear, if you want the best advice on this board, i would advise not to listen to pinker. he acts as if he is the smartest guy around and that he knows everything. yet at the same time, this is the guy who messed up big time his first few semesters in college himself. so who is he to say that other people are less intelligent when he was in the same position?</p>

<p>my advice for you is to listen to people who’ve gone through the process. csteep is a good example.</p>