I know all the UCs have their own specific GPA…
However, I heard form people that UCLA and UC Berkely use uncapped UC GPA unlike the other UC’s which limit u on 8 honors/APs?
Is this true?

UC admission readers will see unweighted, weighted-capped, and weighted-uncapped GPAs when reading the application.

ok but when they compare it to other students, which one do they use?
is GPA on the freshmen admitted stats on the UC page only capped UC GPA?
Or is it uncapped for just UCLA and Berkely?

The Freshman profiles posted on the UC website for each campus uses the Capped/Weighted UC GPA for their 25th and 75th percentiles. UCLA/UCB will also post their fully weighted UC GPA stats on their individual websites.

UCLA and UCB only has data posted from 2016: https://www.admission.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_fr/Frosh_Prof16.htm


does this affect me in any way?

Since UCB/UCLA use both then you need to compare where you stand vs both GPA’s. If you are at or above the average for both capped weighted and fully weighted , then you stand a decent chance. Again GPA is very important but if the rest of your application is lacking then even a stellar GPA may not be enough.

also what if ur UC GPA is much lower than ur fully wieghted? is that bad, or shud be close

It’s not the end of the world but not great either. Again just see how you compare to the ranges. Remember the uncapped is not what shows up on your transcript. Use the uc formula for A-G courses just don’t cap at 8 AP/honors. Remember honors doesn’t count for oos

but if ur UC GPA is much lower than uncapped doenst that show ur taking a lot of AP/Honors, so isnt that good

Many schools do not allow Freshman and Sophomores to take AP/IB or DE courses, so the capped weighted vs Fully weighted can be very different. I agree with @10s4life that the best way to compare is to check the ranges listed for UCLA. On UCLA website, both capped weighted and fully weighted admit ranges are listed.

so all these UCs look at all GPA’s right?

A UC GPA that substantially lower than an over-all gpa can be due to a number of factors. Better grades Freshman year than Soph and Jr, better performance in non-A-g classes than a-g classes or a heavy IB/AP courseload that got heavily chopped by the cap. That’s why they don’t use a single number they see your whole transcript - so they will know just how many AP classes you took. In theory, they also know how many were available at your school - so an applicant that only had 3 AP opportunities isn’t handicapped vs someone in an IB program who had access to 20. .

The finer points are most relevant at the more selective schools because they have a bigger pool of 4.0+ GPA applicants and they have to choose somehow.