UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@10s4life Where did you get your 60% and 20% stats from?

@UCLAwanderlust Currently a student at UCLA and I’m an engineering ambassador for the school. Found out from a coworker in undergrad admissions. Nothing to really obsess over as they are just indicators. Enjoy your senior year and best of luck in March.

I’ve been confused by this too, but it sounds the alumni scholarship application invite went to what is anticipated to be the top 20% of the ADMITTED class. That means 80% of the expected admitted class didn’t get the email. So no worries if no email - doesn’t mean you’re not going to be admitted. Then, figure into this those who got the request for supplemental information. We’ve learned this group is either in the “maybe” category or simply presented information that needs more explanation. So, long story short, I’m thinking getting the email is a good indicator that you’re likely to get in. Not getting the email doesn’t really mean much. Not getting the email OR the request for supplemental means you’re probably a “yes” or a “no” but not a “maybe”. Does anyone agree or disagree with my interpretation?

@collegemom111111 You got it!

I have a 1570 and an 800 Math 2 and 800 Chemistry with a 4.0 UW 4.7 W and I didn’t get the email. Could it be that I wasn’t admitted then? My major is computer science

@compSciLover based on those stats and some of those that have either gotten and “not” gotten the email I am more and more inclined to think that while stats are a big factor major also might play a role. Comp Sci is one of the most impacted majors in UCLA.

OOS D received the email invite 2/5. Her Stats - Applied to College of L&S SAT 1500; Math II 770 US History 730 GPA: 4.0 UW 5.0W Rigor: 10 APs and the rest honors Rank: 2/350 Great EC’s and a leader.

My S18 is an alumni scholar. He did receive the invite last year (as did his twin sister), he’s in L&S. At least in the later stages of the process the ASC is not looking primarily at stats, it’s more about leadership, community involvement etc. and they appear to want a mix of majors (if anything my perception is that engineers/CS majors are less common as alumni scholars than as Regent scholars, perhaps because they are less likely to be class president, etc.).

So I wouldn’t read too much into a high stats engineering/CS applicant not being invited, remember that if you can always apply anyway if you have suitable leadership/community involvement. You already know that engineering and CS are more difficult majors in which to gain admission, but remember that the alumni scholars club is looking for something different than the engineering/CS admissions team.

@momtomusicians Major does not. It’s the general pool as a whole. Admissions gives all the apps to the alumni association. Invites have no administrative connection to the admission office.

@10s4life I have received an Alumni Scholarship letter, and have one question for you that was not answered after reading your post and this entire thread regarding the Alumni Scholarship emails.

You said earlier that the admissions office selected those with the highest stats and sent them the scholarship email. While I am in the highest bracket of typically admitted student stats, I don’t have as high as everyone else who has posted on here - like near perfect SAT. However, my subjective qualities – leadership, extracurriculars, essays, and community involvement – were superb. This leads me to think these subjective qualities played a role in my getting the letter. What do you think?

@sammygrammy Actually I said admissions sent all the apps to the alumni association and they decide the invites based on their version of top. That typically results in those invitees being a part of the top 20% of a typical admit class. Invites are sent based off of stats. The alumni association has their own formula. There is a correlation of about 60% of eventually getting in if you received the letter. In the end thinking about this won’t change the outcome so I encourage you all to relax and not stress over it. Roughly 80% of the eventual admits won’t get the invite. No matter what college you attend you’ll look back and realize you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. My favorite part of being at UCLA isn’t the ranking or the classes. It’s the friends I’ve made, fun memories I’ll have forever, going to all the games, and learning to grow up and live independently. I hope this finally clarified things for everyone. :slight_smile:

@10s4life Thank you for all your help in guiding this thread full of anxious prospective students. However, I am finding some of the information you are giving inconsistent with another CC poster. I am sure you are aware of the 2013 UCLA alumni scholar thread where an alumni volunteer posted that after first round screenings, some admission officers find a candidate worthy of the prestigious scholarship. That contradicts what you said about admissions giving all apps to the alumni committee, unless things have changed over the last 6 years. In addition, I also doubt that the invite is simply based off of stats because some of my friends with low GPAs (near 4.0 weighted) have gotten this invite, however, their EC’s and leadership are amazing.

Here is a link to the thread itself:

@UCLAwanderlust I read that thread as a prospective student myself. I have been told it is no longer correct as the volume is just too great now. I may also be wrong but I am pretty sure. I’m not an admissions officer and my primary expertise is in engineering admissions. Thanks for bringing that up.

So i found this video today:

They explain starting from around minute 40:30 that they work with admissions to make a list of about 12000.

Thank you for this @UCLAwanderlust !

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My daughter received the Alumni Scholarship letter but she is burned out from filling out so many applications and scholarship forms. If she doesn’t apply for the Alumni Scholarship will that end up being a negative? Just asking for opinions (unless there is an admissions officer reading these). :slight_smile:

I’ve heard that some people in previous years received a regents email. Is it the same for this year because I haven’t heard anything about it? There’s an option to apply for it under the prospective undergraduate portal, but is there any point because I thought regents was given at the time of admission.

@philo11: The Regents option to apply may be a glitch and @10s4life whom is a UCLA student ambassador and forum champion is checking things out.

Lots of confusion so here’s a summary of all this courtesy of @10s4life.

  1. If you got an Alumni scholarship invite congrats that means there is a strong correlation of you getting in.
  2. For the alumni scholarship you have to apply.
  3. Regents is based off of the UC app and you are notified at the time of admission.
  4. Only some people will get invited for the alumni scholarship app. UCLA emails are released in waves to prevent systems from crashing. If you don’t receive one by tonight then you aren’t receiving one.

Yea, I thought it was kinda odd. But I emailed them a couple days ago, and one of the scholarship coordinators said that “students are invited to apply to the Regents scholarship,” so now I’m really kinda confused, but I guess it can’t hurt to apply for it either way.

Out of state question: do these notifications about scholarships apply to out of state applicants?