UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@momsparks @lkg4answers Don’t do it. They are desperate for people cause so many drop it. It’s not worth it and a well known fact amongst students not to do college honors. It is better in the long run to take normal classes and get what’s called “Latin honors” from your department which is purely gpa based. The honors college is not graduating with honors. It’s more work for no real benefit.

@10s4life thanks, I will share this with my son. Do the students feel a stronger sense of being in a community? I was thinking the smaller size might create a better opportunity to make friends. My son is friendly and outgoing, but is coming from a small school (400 in his high school).

@momsparks I don’t think so. Most of the community at UCLA isn’t found in classes but on the dorms and through extracurriculars. The dorm experience at UCLA is unique cause 10k students live on campus and 98% of the freshman class lives on campus and all dining halls and dorms are in one small 1 square mile area. He will make plenty of friends the first few weeks.

Are freshman required to live in triples? Thanks.

@socaldad2002 only option for freshman.

My D just attended New Student Orientation and had a wonderful experience! Not a bad idea to look at blogs and/or youtube on how to get the most of NSO. Make sure your student brings a blanket, wears comfy shoes, and gets prepared to make several options for class schedules(to be done online). Everyone was helpful especially the student advisor. Your student will probably get tired as activities run through late in the night. Good luck to all! Go Bruins!

Does anyone know if everyone buys all the books for their classes or gets used ones or even rents them? Does it depend on the class? Would love to save money where we can ; )
@D4Mom my D had orientation last week and had such a great time, too. She was happy to get all her classes with no overlapping midterms or finals. So much to think about! She said she was very glad to have so many alts chosen just in case, but she got lucky and didn’t need them. She can’t wait until September! Go Bruins indeed!

@crknwk2000 Don’t buy books new or used. Many times you do not need the book as the professor will say in class on the first day it’s not required even if the website says so. Also many students get free PDFs of the books from this one website. If someone is trying to sell you a pdf they’re trying to sucker you cause they prob got it for free.

As usual, @10s4life , you are super helpful. Thank you!!

@10s4life is it possible to double major in engineering and biology? Fall 2019 i will be a freshmen majoring in mechanical engineering.

Thank you

@10s4life - an iClicker is required for my d’s math class. It appears that there are several makes/models (eg 2, with reef). Learned online that there is also an iClicker app which is cheaper than the gadget. We are not familiar with iClicker. Your thoughts and advice?

@Flyingpony123456 You can add a second major but after your first year. Almost no one does it because Engineering is hard enough as is and a double major does nothing career wise. Why do you want another major?

@D4Mom I’d wait until the first day of class and the prof will go over it. You don’t need anything fancy. But I’d wait til school starts to pick one up

@10s4life I enjoy biology and was considering pre-med. Majored in engineering bc I always enjoy the math and sciences and getting into medical school is never a guarantee. Am I being realistic in thinking I can do engineering and premed?

@Flyingpony123456 Not many engineers do pre med cause of low gpa averages. You don’t need to double major in bio for pre med. pre med is just courses. In fact many English majors are pre med. engineering does have a “built in minor” called the technical breadth every student has to declare and pre med is an option so you can have those classes in your schedule and not take additional courses that can delay graduation.

Thank you! This is Very helpful !
I’ll look into the built in minor!

My oldest goes to another UC and the iclicker was a better deal through the school’s bookstore than it was on Amazon or anywhere else. It was good for five years rather than 6 mos. You might wait and see what the UCLA bookstore offers.

@10s4life @lkg4answers --thank you so much!

Thanks again for your feedback. Declared my tech breadth . This really helps

does anyone know how much sororities cost per year? (Not living in house)