UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@caligirl0826 Depends on the house. But on average expect 2800-4500 per year not counting misc Greek related expenses.

@10s4life regarding move in, when does the meal plan start?

@gzza73 Sunday Dinner but they give free swipes to use during move in until the normal meal plan kicks in.

My D just ā€œlostā€ one of her 3 roommates. Her housing portal now shows only her and one other girl in their DeNeve triple. How likely is that UCLA housing will assign a new 3rd roommate now? Is it highly likely right away before school starts? Or more likely later on as someone requests a move (since my D now has an ā€œopen slotā€)? Or will does she have a good chance at having a Double now even though room is a triple?

(the original 3rd girl got reassigned to another room due to some mix upā€¦ she had requested two other roommates originally, and now I guess they are putting those three together)

@SoCalPops Pretty likely. Either now or within the first 2 weeks of school.

Thanks @10s4life

Just received notification of my sonā€™s Fall 2019 Tuition and Registration fees.

His bill includes a line item for Health Insurance which he need to waive (since he has health insurance through his parentā€™s plan.

According to the September 2019 BruinBill Messages (https://sa.ucla.edu/MessageCenter/onestop/public/faq?faqId=2362), the deadline for Fall 2019 Quarter Students to waive UC SHIP was 8/31/19.

None of the fee notification emails he received indicate this nor was he told that during orientation.

What are our options? Is anybody else in this sutuation?

@ngopalan When accepting the offer for admission it is part of the checklist as a new student. Not sure what you can do once itā€™s last the deadline. Not many emails are sent the student is responsible to check the portal and check any to do list items.

@ngopalan I would contact the school and see if there is anything that can be done. If nothing else, you might ask if you can opt out next quarter.

I did contact the school and it turns out that the deadline has been extended to 9/10.
So we are good on this front.

@ngopalan great news! Glad you called.

@ngopalan great news! Glad you called.

A follow up question:
Students who waive UC SHIP are eligible to sign up for BruinCare which provides prepaid access to Asheā€™s commonly-used services for $60/quarter.
Is signing up for BruinCare worth it?

@ ngopalan we signed up our son for that because Kaiser is not super close

@ngopalan, not sure if you have this info from orientation to help with your decision. With outside insurance, primary care visits at Ashe Center are $12, and doctorā€™s order x-rays are $25. Donā€™t know if that works with Kaiser (my guess is that it wouldnā€™t).

@10s4life received word that it is possible for professors to assign assignments that needs to be completed by the first day of class. Are the syllabi found on the class website under announcements? Went to my class website but couldnā€™t see anything. Wondering if Iā€™m looking in the right place. Thanks

@ngopalan, thanks so much for posting that the UCSHIP waiver deadline was extended!! I thought we had missed it. Your post saved us $850 and having to reapply for waiver throughout the year.

@10s4life hi do you know whereā€™s a good spot for our parents to pick us up or drop us off during the school year? preferably so they donā€™t have to pay for parking

@Flyingpony123456 CCLE class website page. But pretty much no class will assign work prior to day 1. Especially for the fall. Donā€™t worry and enjoy summer.

@collegeappsznnn Deneve turnaround, sproul turnaround. Plenty of spots. Drive up to the dorms and itā€™s pretty self explanatory.