UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@Nhatrang I don’t know. You have to log in to apply. Last year you were asked to write “page 260 of your autobiography” or something like that.

Most of the weeding is on the initial applications to get shortlisted for interview (roughly one third of interviewees get a scholarship). So something like 2500 applications to 450 interviews to 150 scholarships.

To any of the UCLA experts, I have another question. Previously I mentjoned my D does not have the greatest GPA, however she was designated ELC and according to UC, is top 9% if her graduating class. Will having ELC balance out her low GPA? (She attends a fairly decent public school) Thanks

@Nhatrang The alumni scholarship in the portal is not an invite only the email is. There is an essay.

@lkbux64 I am not sure if or what music merit scholarships exist. Alumni scholarships don’t help admission. I believe Regents only shows up on the portal as a glitch as that is decided by admissions using the UC app. If an app was needed emails would have been sent out.

@iaminfrontofyou elc doesn’t matter for UCLA because pretty much everyone applying is elc. Also elc only guarantees admission to a UC campus that has not met quota. Only UC Merced meets that criteria.

This question might be a little but of a stretch. Im from NorCal and over last summer, i got to attend CA Boys State with two other guys in my school out of a pool of 50 candidates. I was selected b/c of my leadership and EC. As far as I have heard, Boys State is a pretty impressive/prestigious program. What do UC’s, specifically UCLA, think about something like Boys State? (My GPA is on the low side by my SAT is 75th percentile)

anyone get the UCLa affordability email

@frzngrapes33 Those emails are generic. No use to and please don’t fuss over it.

Ah so DD did get the alumni invite email. If she gets into UCLA and gets the alumni scholarship, this could be a tie breaker between UCLA and UMich. We are OOS for both so cost is pretty much the same.

My D opened up her alumni scholars portal to work on her essay and noticed that there is an option to apply for regeants as well. My friend’s D who was not invited to apply does not have that opportunity. I thought regeants were only selected when one gains admission.

^ Mine saw the same thing. Everyone here said you don’t have to apply for the regents, yet they not only give you the link to apply, but also the specific essay prompt for the regents scholarship. So confused.

@Nhatrang and @iaminfrontofyou I see the option on my D’s alumni scholar portal, too. I think they do need to submit an essay for that prompt for Regents at UCLA.

@Nhatrang @iaminfrontofyou Right now this seems to be a technical glitch on UCLA’s end. Please call UCLA admissions for clarification. I reached out to a friend in admissions but it’s unclear rn. UCLA has never had Regents be something to apply to. Also if there was an app then there would be an email.

I don’t think it’s correct to say that “UCLA has never had Regents be something to apply to”. I believe that last year was the exception, when it was awarded with admission without any additional application, because the review period was cut short by the fires in December 2017. Prior to that there was shortlisting and those candidates were invited to submit essays and a recommendation. It was then judged on the essay without an interview (unlike UCB Regents). See for example http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/1611133-ucla-regents-invitation-notification-p1.html

But I agree that candidates would have to be notified by email, and it’s now getting quite late in the day to request an application (for the 2014 thread I linked above, the invites were sent at the very end of January). Alumni is decided later, with interviews in the first week of April, but I can’t imagine Regents could wait that long. And with far more applications than a few years ago, it is entirely possible that they’ve decided to keep the process as it was last year and the details on the website may be an artifact from the 2017 application process.

@Twoin18 That’s from 2014. From my knowledge high schoolers graduating in 16 stopped that process.

@10s4life I received the supplemental request earlier this month, but yesterday the office of admissions emailed me about scholarships I should apply for to make UCLA “affordable”. What could the email possibly indicate? maybe admission?

@frzngrapes33 @nerdmd Got the same affordability email from UCLA Admission. Per earlier reply from @10s4life its just a generic email. Can you post your stats/major? Thanks.

I didn’t receive email about Alumni scholarship last week, but I just received an email reminder about its deadline from UCLA Alumni Scholarship Program . Is the reminder email sent to everybody? Did everybody else who didn’t receive invitation last week got today’s email?

My son also has the regents tab with a specific essay prompt. Anyone here with the alumni email and no regents tab? Oh yes and we also got the reminder a couple of hours ago.

I received the email about the Alumni scholarship last week, as well as just received the reminder for the deadline today.

@letshope DD did not get the initial email;but got the reminder email today

Anybody who didn’t get email last week got it today? it is very confusing.