UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Hi guys, its been covered pretty exhaustively but alumni scholarship emails are good, as they are not sent to everyone. Any other email besides the discover engineering one are generic and don’t matter. Regents tab is currently known to be a glitch as regents is not applied for at UCLA. If you had to apply for regents you would have gotten an email but no such emails have been sent. Best of luck when decisions come out.

I just emailed the school this morning and they said top applicants are sent a direct invite to apply for the Regents. I can see it on my portal, and I’m afraid I missed any initial invitations to Alumni/Regents due to my (now updated) UC application release authorizations which I updated yesterday. I also did not get the alumni invite at first (might’ve been due to release authorizations) but I did get the notice of the application due date.

The Regents Scholarship tab has been removed from the portal.

I just received an email about the"UCLA FRESHMAN ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP" telling me the portal closes Friday February 15 at 11:59 p.m. I’m soo confused!

My D19 got the Alumni Scholarship email last week and worked hard on the essays this past weekend and hated to but did go back to her teacher for another recommendation. I think in order for the recommender to upload that she had to submit the application to get the number to pass on to the recommender. When she sent it I asked her if there was an tab for Regents and she said yes with additional essays. It was hard enough for her to write two additional essays, she knew she couldn’t do a good job with the extra regents essay. What was difficult is it say something like “would you like to be considered for regents” and if you click you have to submit the essays, I think. I find it a little strange if this was a glitch, because it seems so developed. At any rate, she felt rushed to submit it and just couldn’t do another essay. I know @10s4life you seem pretty convinced it is a glitch, which I hope. If anyone does have a answer directly from AO it would be good to hear.

@10s4life re. Regents scholarship application: my son was invited to apply, got it, and it was 2017.

@10s4life I am referring to this year not past years. I am wondering if they have changed the process. There was a section of the Alumni Scholarship email that went out to top 10 or 12%, and the bottom section there was a question whether she wanted to be considered for the regents scholarship. If she indicated “yes” It asked to release information and then (my daughter said, I didn’t actually see it) it opened up to more essay questions. At that point my daughter just hit her breaking point. She couldn’t write any more essays, and she needed to get the application submission number to give to her LOR teacher, so she said no. I didn’t know she said no until after she submitted it. It is due Friday, so that was a very short turn around from last week when the emails were sent to this week when the deadline was extended to.

@19parent @sdhotmama Thanks for the info. There seems to be a lot of confusion that has happened in regards to regents. I am not an admissions officer nor am I an employee of L&S so this seems to be out of my knowledge. At this point my best advice if anyone has any questions is to contact UCLA directly rather than keep speculating here. Please feel free to reach out if anyone has questions about general UCLA admissions, engineering, or student life and I’d be happy to answer them. I won’t respond to regents related questions anymore until I find out for certain. @Gumbymom is more familiar with the regents process than me so maybe she can weigh in. Thanks.

does the UCLA alumni admissions board have access to our original UC application

@StevenToCollege My sons regents tab has disappeared too ! It was a perhaps glitch like @10s4life said and they probably fixed it.

@10s4life @19parent @sdhotmama: I unfortunately have no further information to add to the discussion. As @10s4life has stated, in the past UCLA has not asked for an essay to be submitted for Regents nor has this prompt been listed on the portal. I would contact UCLA admissions and ask your questions directly, since this is all new to me also.

From the UCLA website::::
Students determined by Undergraduate Admission to be the strongest applicants within the context of UCLA’s holistic review process are reviewed for this award by Faculty Committee on Honors, Awards and Prizes. Students selected for this award will be notified of it when they receive their admission decision and Provisional Award Letter (PAL).

Anyone know if the letter of rec for Alumni scholarship can be sent after the deadline?


The following was from the Alumni email this morning.

“Note: Letters of reference must be submitted by the application deadline.”

I’m rushing to do the application because they sent it to me late!
should I call admissions?

I called up UCLA about regents today. As @10s4life mentioned, it was an error made by the financial aid and scholarships faculty. However, on a future date, they will be releasing invitations for regents. That is all.

@LaCampanella Thank you for looking into it.

@LaCampanella Thanks for looking into it. That’s what I figured given not even people I knew in under grad admissions knew the answer to it when I asked.

@10s4life Should I contact admissions about receiving the Alumni scholarship invitation very late?

@nerdmd No, you got the invite congrats! Now its up to you whether or not you want to apply. There is no repercussion if you don’t. Its not publicly disclosed that there is a correlation or its given to top applicants. So calling them won’t do anything. That is why there is a lot of conflicting information on the topic.

It truly is killing me not knowing why those who recieve the invite may not be admitted even though adcom makes the list. Like this comment if you agree :slight_smile:

PS: @10s4life The alumni assoc. has a youtube channel and in a video from 2017, they talk about how they send the invite, with guidance from adcomm, to top students they believe are likely to be admitted. You can PM me for the link.