UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Yes DS got this email too @gzza73 . We just RSPVed for the breakfast as well. Not sure which one of us will go me or my husband with my son.

@momtomusicians @gzza73 Congrats to you both! Which majors?

EE and computer Engineering @10s4life ! I will ping you closer to the date and hope my son can meet you there!

@momtomusicians Sounds good! I’m also EE. I will be at the event all day but I’ll be on tour duty for a good portion of it. If your son has any questions in regards to deciding if UCLA is the place he would like to call home for the next four years please don’t hesitate to reach out.

@10s4life thank you so much! Will do and yes its his top pick!!

@10s4life EE hoping to do the tour in the afternoon. We’ll make sure to ask you if we have questions. He’s still undecided which college as he is still waiting for 10+ decisions. Thank you so much. You have been so great.

@Ranipetgirl no he did not

@gzza73 ok. Thank you for your reply. Congratulations, again.

@Ranipetgirl thanks! Did you get alumni invite?

@gzza73, my Dd did not. She has applied to electrical engineering and computer engineering

The Regents Scholarship appears under my son’s opportunities page on the portal (mentioned in #157 as well) and asks a supplemental question, but when he follows the link it just takes him back to his general application. He originally thought there was no separate application for Regents, but it has popped up twice now (once with the Alumni email and now with this application email). Can anyone advise? He tried calling UCLA, but hasn’t been able to reach anyone during their call hours.

Did you find an answer? My son is having the same issue.

@aaamomo3 It was a technical glitch on UCLAs end. Regents is not a seperate app. Those who received it will be notified at time of admission.

Regents invite anyone? Do they mean anything?

I also received the email inviting me to apply for regents. Not sure what it means — or if it means anything at all.

@10s4life I was invited to apply for the Alumni Scholarship and sent in my application before the deadline. Today I received an email inviting me to apply for the Regents Scholarship. Does this mean anything?

i got the alumni but not regents:/

@10s4life Is it sent out in waves like alumni scholarship? I thought there was no app for regents. I got alumni but not regents.

@chocolatehusky @letsgorams: See post #332. It was a glitch by the FA office.

For those who received the email, are you able to submit the supplemental questions?

“How would you go about maximizing your undergraduate experience at UCLA?”