UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@10s4life , @Gumbymom THANK YOU! What would we do without you guys? We would go INSANE. Thank you for putting up with all of us!

@OneAndOnlySJ This is a new process and undergrad admissions and financial aid are seperate offices. The student reps in the admission office prob have not been fully instructed in the new system yet. For the vast majority of applicants, regents is not even on their mind. Alumni scholarships are run by the alumni association. The school is not intentionally trying to lie to any applicants or hide the truth.

@10s4life I think one question still hasn’t been answered: is the deadline to apply for regents in early March or mid may?

Can anyone who received regents invite, show how their portal looks like? My D’s remains the same with no information in it other than her name and appreciating for sending the UC application :slight_smile:

@XCBikeSwimSleep March because we will know who gets regents by the time admission decisions are released

@XCBikeSwimSleep I believe it is March 1st. The date is on the app itself. @Suave123 Are you looking at the UC portal or the UCLA portal. Decisions will come out mid to late march.

@10s4life This is the one I’m looking for UCLA, pls tell me if this is correct.


It says only the below para since we created an account :

We are happy to have received your application for Fall Quarter 2019 admission to UCLA!

Over the next few months, we will be busy reviewing freshman applications. If, during the course of our review, we find that we need any additional information, we will contact you by e-mail. We plan to release admission decisions in late March.

In the meantime, please visit our site for applicants where you will find more information on the application process. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your interest in UCLA. Go Bruins!

UCLA Undergraduate Admission

@Suave123 yeah thats right. and there should be a way to access a scholarship portal too. i haven’t applied for any scholarships while at ucla so the last time i did was when i was invited for the alumni one so i totally forgot.

@Suave123 you are looking at the wrong link. It is a separate scholarship link found here: https://prospective-ugstudents-ucla.academicworks.com/. You need to create an account there.

@collegeboundscal Is this link for anyone who wants to apply? I mean its not by an invite by UCLA right?

@Suave123 YES, I believe anyone that wants to apply may do so. But according to @10s4life and his post on #384 earlier today, it sounds like if you didn’t get an actual invitation to apply for Regents (or Alumni), chances of receiving a scholarship are probably slim. So, you will have to weigh the time it takes to apply for these scholarships against the likelihood of obtaining them.

Yeah anyone can apply. But everyone should know the chances even with an invitation are very slim too.

My personal opinion is if you weren’t invited I wouldn’t bother even applying.

There are two Regents applications, and the first one needs to be submitted before the second one pops up. Both have the same essay prompt. I think there’s definitely a glitch.

Regents Scholarship Application (Deadline: 05/15/2019)
UCLA Freshman Regents Scholarship (Deadline: 03/01/2019)

So if we got the email, that means we have a really solid chance? Also did invites for discover engineering go out already?

 I didn’t get any email
 Does that mean I’m out?

BTW, I’m international
 So didn’t submit any Financial Aid

My d19 got the alumni email and filled out and submitted the application. However, in the button “would you like to apply for regents” she clicked no because regents had additional essays and she wouldn’t be able to do it by the deadline (the glitch reference). She also didn’t get the regents email and I am wondering if the “clicking yes” on the alumni email might generate the regents email. I just checked her scholarship website referenced about above and notice she can modify the alumni application and click yes on the “do you want to be considered for regents” button. Since it is after the alumni deadline, should she just leave it, or could I suggest she click the yes to regents and see if it generates an email?

@whatsmypassword Same. What is your major? Tell me if you get an answer about this. Thank you!

@sammygrammy- Hi- 10s4life gave a great overview. In my daughter’s case, she received the alumni scholarship invitation (I haven’t checked her email, but I don’t think she received a regents invitation). Good luck!

Can somebody please tell me where, on my kid’s UCLA portal, is there a place for the Regents application (or any other scholarship mention)? There doesn’t seem to be anywhere to click on my son’s portal. It just has some verbiage about his application being received and that over the next few months they’ll b busy reviewing applications, etc. THANK YOU!