UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Not sure if this means anything but I talked to a UCLA counselor rep. and she said definitely not this week

Thanks @10s4life - so I guess its too late to apply now, since we didnā€™t apply by 2/18 and we didnā€™t get the invite for the Alumni scholarship? Dang this is frustratingā€¦ I donā€™t know how others learned about this and we did not.

@SoCalPops Itā€™s not the biggest deal besides maybe not getting a scholarship. Itā€™s incredibly hard to get anyways. Applying or not applying doesnā€™t change getting in or not. UCLA doesnā€™t take demonstrated interest into account.

ā€œā€¦ā€ Regardless, you will all learn of your decisions in the coming weeks. Stressing about it will not bring any good. Good luck!

Moderators Note:
Post edited to remove non public University information.

To add to the excitement, I also called the admissions office on behalf of D. They could only say mid-late March, reason being that not ALL of the decisions have been made yet so that they couldnā€™t pinpoint the exact date.
BTW, Iā€™m a UCLA EE grad and back in the day we had never seen the levels of hysteria weā€™re seeing here lol.

@SoCalPops Yes, I agree. There is so much information to go through and so much to keep track of. Iā€™m trying to help my daughter, but Iā€™m a first generation college graduate myself. Iā€™ve been told repeatedly that UCs do not offer any merit scholarships. Still, I decided to research the three schools sheā€™s applying to and found each is quite unique. Thatā€™s how I stumbled across the UCLA alumni scholarship website. Then she received the alumni email invitation to apply, but I had no clue it meant anything until I started reading about it here on CC. So, just to say I think a lot of us are figuring things out as we go with some misses along the way. Nice to have this forum :slight_smile: Best of luck.

Thanks @Napafolie - its mind boggling! I too was under the impression that there was nearly no merit scholarships beyond the Regents scholarships. Now today I find out about this Alumni scholarship we missed applying for. Fortunately it wonā€™t make or break our decision to attend or not, but stillā€¦ who wants to miss out on merit $$!

I received the email re alumni scholarships and to be honest I was just so burned out from having finished applying to all the schools and scholarships, I just couldnā€™t deal with one more. I also knew absolutely nothing about this until I got the invitation to apply. If it makes people feel any better, we are not talking about an enormous amount of money here. It is $1,000-$5,000 per year for 4 years. Every penny counts of course, but you arenā€™t missing out on a full ride or anything.

Donā€™t know if it means anything, but my daughter got in last year and also got the alumni scholarship invite.

@momtwin just a decently high correlation between the two, thats all

Decisions will likely come out this Friday. They are usually released the week before finals and UCLA students will begin finals next week.

If that were the case, wouldnā€™t Discover Engineering emails have been sent out by now?

@bruin7654 Finals has nothing to do with decisions. What makes you think that?

@10s4life only speculation based on looking at previous yearā€™s threads. I guess we will just have to wait until Friday to see for sure!

Reddit has a UC finalized thread w ucla projected to come out 3/15

@memelover123 Reddit is from users. I wouldnā€™t trust it blindly.

@10s4life OP of that post said he had called each individual admissions officeā€¦still could be fake tho

@10s4life Do you happen to know when Discover Engineering invitation emails are being sent out? Thanks!

Did anyone get one of those emails yet??

@2km2km @memelover123 could one of you please link the reddit post?