UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

“…applicants referred for the Augmented Review process must demonstrate levels of academic preparation and personal qualities that indicate a reasonable chance for academic success given the available support services on the admitting campus.” per https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/governance/policies/2110.html

@lbm2023 I’m confused?

Son got this request today from UCLA, and is very nervous about it. He has 1550 SAT/36 ACT, National Merit and a 3.80 unweighted GPA. Moved from another state in his junior year and has had some real difficulties adjusting to a new school and it brought his GPA down from 4.0 (he explained this in his application). His ECs are pretty ordinary, particularly in the past year, but he’s been involved in theater throughout high school.

I received a request for augmented review, too. 3.9 UW/4.03 W GPA, 1560 SAT, Molec/Cell Bio and Premed; mine asked for a description of the hardship I discussed in my personal essays (I missed two years of high school because of illness, so I only have two APs/3 years of math, science, and foreign language). My understanding is that while this isn’t a guarantee of admission, it does mean you haven’t been eliminated from the applicant pool yet. I also received one from UCSD. Good luck to you guys!

If my daughter were to get one of these augmented review request I take it as a positive, and take this approach. First, I would have her go to the school counselor with her application and discuss it with them, they might have an idea of where there is inconsistencies, and might have a contact they use at UCLA to get a clearer idea of what you need to augment. I would also give it to a few people I trust who might have been through this before that don’t necessarily know your child. A clean read by an uninvolved person might glean something that you are missing. @RosR if I were an interviewer I might wonder how your Son will do moving to UCLA, which is not necessarily “nurturing” like a small private college, if he had difficultly adjusting to a new school. I would demonstrate (remember show, not tell) why this was a unique situation with this one school change. @fdha951 you seem to know what the hardship is, I would be very specific about the type of illness, how it has been managed, and how it will be managed at UCLA or UCSD

I think it is great that UCLA and UCSD aren’t just making their own conclusion on your qualifications or fit before they can fully assess whether they think you will be a successful students. The UC’s don’t use Letters of Recommendation or interviews to choose students, so have to rely more on what you have submitted. Good Luck!

excellent advice!

I didn’t receive a supplemental questionnaire - I was really hoping for one as I considered myself a borderline applicant, especially for CS. Some of my friends received them and I really wanted to receive one so I could use my 4.0 UW this semester to my advantage (since my GPA is weighing my application down)

Major - Computer Science
GPA - 3.95 UC Capped Weighted/3.73 UW/ 4.23 UC Weighted
SAT - 1500
SAT II - 800 Math 2, 750 Physics
Essays and EC are related to my major and are solid
Had a special circumstance which caused my GPA to drop to a 3.4 UW in sophomore year

I was really expecting one, especially because of my special circumstance. Does this mean I’m an instant deny?

I don’t have the best stats (3.9 UW GPA and 29 ACT), but have great extracurriculars, and I think very good essays, so does that mean if I don’t receive the questionarre I am most likely in the reject pile?

@Casey8105 same boat here and wondering the same. SAT was only 1320 gpa 3.93uw and 4.24w. excellent essays and excellent ECs. 18 semesters of APs and college classes.

@2km2km and @Casey8105 and @StacysMom24: Only a small percentage of applicants will get an supplemental review and it does not mean if you did not receive one that you are going to be denied. The reason for the supplemental is that UCLA needs more information but if your personal insight essays covered all the necessary information for UCLA to make their decision, then you are fine.

thx @Gumbymom …again!! u r pretty awesome!

@Gumbymom Hi can you DM me? I had some questions about UCLA

Saw this post in reddit like 3 mins ago :

i got an email from UCLA inviting me to apply for a scholarship. is this a good sign? or do they send this out to everyone? anyone else get one?

Anyone else got this? We didn’t yet :slight_smile:

@Suave123 – where did you see it on reddit? I can’t find the group.

According to Cal grant , my college of attendance say’s “UNIV OF CAL-LOS ANGELES” what does that mean? did i get in?

@Suave123 congratulations!
sorry, read the post wrong.

@nerdmd no it’s just the college you listed on the FAFSA first.

I listed UCB first.

I didn’t get yet, saw it on reddit and 3 more students have received the same.

@chucko Search on Reddit : r/applyingtocollege/new