UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Yeah, I just got the email inviting me to apply for the Alumni Scholarship!

@Suave123 – thanks

@NietzscheRules There is a high correlation of admission with alumni scholar scholarship invites.

@nerdmd The cal grant thing didn’t mean anything in terms of admission.

@NietzscheRules can u pls share ur stats if u don’t mind? Congrats btw :slight_smile:

@10s4life the email seemed pretty standard–not really personal or anything. Is this normal?

@NietzscheRules Yeah it’s a template but the ones chosen but the alumni scholars committee to get invited typically get in the school. It’s just correlation. That’s all. You’ll get final decisions next month.

I got an email for Alumni Scholarship!

Do you have to apply for the Regents Scholarship or is it automatic consideration?

Same question about alumni scholarship: Did you apply or is it automatic consideration?

My understanding is, it’s automatic. Just like regents, @10s4life am I correct?

You apply for alumni

Oh really? How do u apply for alumni? Never came across while filling up UC application.


UCLA just sent out Alumni Scholarship application this morning.

Wait I just want to make sure. Does the email say:
View Email in Browser

Learn about UCLA Alumni Scholarships.

While your application is still being considered for admission, the Alumni Association invites you to apply for a scholarship.


More Than an Award

Alumni Scholarships are about more than money. You’ll join an exclusive family of Bruins that share camaraderie absent from most award programs. Scholars are given access to unique perks such as leadership, professional and social networking opportunities and mentoring from alumni throughout their undergraduate experience.

Award Range

$4,000 to $20,000 paid over four years. Additionally, need-based grants up to $5,000 the first year may be available as determined by the Alumni Scholarship Program and UCLA Financial Aid and Scholarships.


Friday, Feb. 15

Saturday & Sunday, March 30 & 31

Friday, April 12

Application Deadline (Extended from Feb. 4)

Telephone Interviews for Semi-finalists

National Finals for the top applicants*

For more information, please CLICK HERE.

Questions? Email alumnischolarships@support.ucla.edu

*Students that do not advance to National Finals will continue to be selected for scholarships until all awards have been distributed.

On behalf of every Bruin, we wish you luck on your application to UCLA!

This is an announcement of UCLA Alumni Scholarships opportunities and is not a notification of admission. Admission decisions will be sent directly from UCLA Undergraduate Admission. The UCLA Alumni Association maintains its own schedule and assumes no responsibility for the timing, policies or decisions of UCLA Undergraduate Admission.

I haven’t received one yet. Is the delay because of the optional supplement information UCLA sent to me?

@NietzscheRules Can you DM me? I have some questions about the email. I also received it

Lots of confusion so here’s a summary of all this.

  1. If you got an invite congrats that means there is a strong correlation of you getting in.
  2. For the alumni scholarship you have to apply.
  3. Regents is based off of the UC app and you are notified at the time of admission.
  4. Only some people will get invited for the alumni scholarship app. UCLA emails are released in waves to prevent systems from crashing. If you don’t receive one by tonight then you aren’t receiving one.

@10s4life If you applied under a specific school that required an audition, could you still receive this email inviting you to apply for the scholarship?

@skkscv yeah that’s the email I got

Can you share the stats of people who got the invite?