UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Thanks I didn’t know I thought I would get an email that said status update Lol ?

@10s4life Do you know the answer to this question please? are there summer classes offered? My OOS son was accepted at UCSB and the financial aid office there suggested that he attend summer school because he could pay the resident fee and potentially knock off 1 year of non-resident tuition if he attends for 3 summers. I poked around on the UCLA website and class schedules and didn’t even see any summer classes offered? I ask because he was just accepted to UCLA without any merit and we are trying to figure out our finances. Thank you!

@10s4life - D was rejected and we are at a loss. UCLA was a top choice for her. I suppose nothing we can do as they had no idea how much she really wanted this! Any info about transfers? We are on the east coast

@angelcal Yes UCLA does have summer classes. There are specific programs for admitted freshman called FSP and CSI. FSP is for students who come from backgrounds without college exposure. CSI is for everyone. Not sure why you’re not able to see the UCLA summer classes website though. Found this on a google search: https://www.summer.ucla.edu

But yeah summer does omit OOS tuition.

@Elvisdadog I’m so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately it’s a lot of people’s top choice and they get rejected too. The easiest way to transfer is from a California community college. It’s very hard to transfer from a 4 year school.

@Ap2000 This is only speaking from my personal experience a couple years ago, but it was only when I accessed the portal ~24 hours later that I was able to access my Regents award notification. Upon checking immediately after my UCLA acceptance, I didn’t see anything…so if nothing has shown up yet, that may not necessarily indicate a lack of Regents!

Accepted! Applied mathematics :slight_smile:

@angelcal Yes, all UCLA summer classes are resident tuition and are paid for by the unit; it’s a great way to be financially effective. Message me if there are more specific questions…not following this thread very closely and may miss a reply

@10s4life Thank you, that is very helpful.

@zephyredalpha @10s4life Sorry to keep asking questions, but any idea if they cap the AP credits available? The non-resident fee is not doable if we can’t figure out a way around 4 full years :smile:

@angelcal no but AP classes only count for pre major or major classes. GEs don’t count. No limit on ap credits you can apply if they do.

@10s4life Do all reject letters say “If attending UCLA remains your ambition, you should know that there is another opportunity for admission later in your academic career: applying as a junior-level transfer student.”? Just wondering if we should consider that option for DS. Also because of all the APs and UC transferable community college courses he took during high school, it’s likely that he already has soph level credits. Is it possible for someone like my son to apply for fall 2020, as a junior-level transfer student? He’s applying for CS and we are in SoCal. Thanks for your help!

Where can I find the financial aid info? Is it out yet? Thanks.

Son accepted. L&S Pre Business Economics!

@herewebe Not for CS since pretty much all AP u it’s dont apply towards the CS major. He would prob need the full 2 years at cc to apply. All rejection letters are exactly the same. All waitlist letters are exactly the same. All acceptance letters are exactly the same.

@KnightOC My daughter got in to UCI with the Honors program also. Maybe they’ll end up there together :slight_smile:

Still waiting for a bunch of schools next Thursday: Stanford, Berkeley, UPenn, NYU, Columbia, Cornell. I really hope she stays in CA though!

got in with regents!

regents don’t come out yet

@babushki feel bettter, and congrats! what major? love you handle/username

When’s alumni scholarship coming out