UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Son got accepted Civil eng. 4.42, 1550 SAT, 800 Physics SAT 2, 740 Math SAT 2, . Accepted UCSB, C. Poly, SCU (full aid for 4 yrs.), Rejected H. Mudd/Stanford EA, waitlist Caltech.

@QQQBoutique USC does do that for students on the lower end. But youā€™re currently commenting in the thread for the school across town :slight_smile:

@kerlykerls congrats! Could you tell us if the regent announcement is part of the acceptance email, or do we have to look at the financial aid letter? Thx!

iā€™m so happy :frowning: accepted into my dream school!!

SAT 1430
GPA: UW 3.97, UC W 4.29, full W 4.6

@MagicBus perfect! My father who began at CC ended up a noted physicist at UCBā€¦first gen too.

Not trying to flex but I really like how my UC Weighted Uncapped GPA is the same as some peopleā€™s UC Weighted Capped yet I still got accepted. I hope to be living proof that GPA is not everything and that UCLA has proved itself to be hollistic.

Wait listed
In state
SAT 1430
GPA: UC UW: 3.84, UC W: 4.46

Filling out wait list form now and wrote about my familyā€™s and financial situation and how it has greatly affected me and how I currently donā€™t have an affordable college option in the additional comments section. Is this recommended? Sad I didnā€™t in but hopeful my wait list comes through!

@GonnaBEmptyNest Thatā€™s quite a lineup of schools that your daughter will hear from next week! Best of luck to her - Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll be fabulously happy wherever she ends up going!

Re: UCI, we live in Orange County so I think my daughter prefers to be a bit further away from home, haha!

This admissions process is really a toss-up since objectively my daughter is very similar to those who were accepted (to UCLA). Sheā€™s on the waitlist at UCLA, but weā€™re not holding our breath.

I think sheā€™ll end up either at USC or UCSB. She was NOT expecting good news from USC (and she didnā€™t even know the USC notification was coming today) so today was still a very happy day.

son accepted, CS, we are OOS so hope his APs and UMD credits will be counted

Can/did anyone access their financial PAL ?

This one hurts to writeā€¦ UCLA was my top choice.
In State (NorCal), 4.2 W GPA, 32 superscore ACT/31 1 sitting. Lots of ECā€™s, leadership, ran a club, tons of AP/Honors. Accepted into UCSB (I feel very blessed), but was also rejected at UCSD today. Hoping to get USC tomorrow. Congratulations to all new bruins ?

How do you check your admission status? Did anyone get an email from UCLA with a link to admission status?

I did not get an email. Did all decisions come out today?

@pshiao @mayablade: All decisions are out and you need to check your UCLA portal.

Oh never mind. Rejected.

I did not get an email too. Did all decisions come out today?

@pshiao I donā€™t think anyone got emails; go here: https://www.admission.ucla.edu/myapplication/Login.aspx and log in and it should be there.

@BeCheap4me2 Thank you!! My major is physiological sciences and my alternate major was neuroscience. I got in for physio.

accepted!!! so excited for the second visits! go bruins :slight_smile:

@foodie24k7 Thank you.