UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

I was trying to join the UCLA class of 2023 official facebook group, but somehow they won’t let me to join the group. i would love to connect with some students.

@HOPE888 SAT 1550, UW GPA 4.0, 8/800 rank, 16 APs, 7 Honors,

hi! I got accepted and I’m in the group! if you’d like you can message me your fb id and we can connect and i can add you to the group!

i was accepted applied mathematics! in-state :slight_smile:

@ss24ss I have the same issue

Hi! I got into UCLA and have a question regarding financial aid. The Blue and Gold Opportunity program promises to cover tuition and fees for students whose total family income is less than $80,000 a year. How does that translate to the overall financial aid I get? My cal grant already covers tuition, but will I still get the Blue and Gold help?

Hi! I got into UCLA and have a question regarding financial aid. The Blue and Gold Opportunity program promises to cover tuition and fees for students whose total family income is less than $80,000 a year. How does that translate to the overall financial aid I get? My cal grant already covers tuition, but will I still get the Blue and Gold help?

@NellieWhoah Thank you very much for your reply and time to share your stats !

@anightmarehehe: The plan combines all sources of scholarship and grant awards you receive (federal, state (Cal Grant), UC and private) to go toward covering your tuition and fees.

Students with greater financial need can qualify for even more grant support to help defray other educational expenses (like books, housing, transportation, etc.).

@Gumbymom Alright, Thank you so much!!!

@henryn92 It just took a while for them to accept me to the Facebook group. I also am excited to meet other students :slight_smile:

@ss24ss and @Khaverlo

Many pages back, there was a glitch noted with the alumni scholarship portal. They recently sent out an email update and applicants logged in to see they had not completed a question. Folks completed the question and then found yet another question and so on. Same thing happened with my daughter but we are chalking it up to a glitch.

Consensus seem to be that it was a computer error, but you may want to double check the thread to make sure this is accurate :).

@charllev name of the group? Ive been trying to find it for a while now.

@ss24ss where and how do you find out about regents? s submitted all materials, general application, alumni, regents #1, regents#2 after glitch, received confirmation e mail, and then we double checked site said confirmed. today, we log on and it says under th4e general one, incomplete! there was one new question about sexual pref, gay etc…said he needed to answer in order to submit! does this mean that he was never considered? He was accepted civil eng. yesterday. Also to UCSB mech Eng. Trying to decide…any input cc community? you’ve all been helpful before. thanks in advance.

I have not received my Provisional Award Letter, but many of my friends have. What does this mean? I’m worried

@10s4life Are there any home-schooled students admitted to UCLA this year 2019 ? How about previous year 2018 ? If so how many students or percentage are being admitted to UCLA in year 2018 and 2019, respectively? Thank you!

@HOPE888 if you look at the top right next to the page number, you will see a magnifying glass. Click on the magnifying glass and type “homeschool” or “home school” or “home-school” into the box and you will find some of the home-schooled students who were admitted this year.

@lkg4answers Thank you very much for your info and tips!

ACT: 36 (perfect…scored in 1 sitting)
GPA: 3.97 (1 B+ in AP US History-89%) (almost perfect…he is human)
WGPA (10-12): 4.43
Sub Test: Math(800), Physics(800) (perfect, math 1 sitting, physics took a couple sitting)
AP’s: 4’s and 5’s in 6 classes. Taking 4 more this year.
3 years varsity volleyball. Team captain this year.
9 years of jazz, multiple awards (lead chair, etc.)
numerous hours of voluenteer hours
helped start a robotics club. last year 3 way tie for first place
used scratch to write a SHA1 program when he was 12.
wrote a program using AI algorithms to solve one face of a rubiks cube.
Essay: Straightword…spoke about passions and strengths
Skin Color: White (my dream is one day this won’t matter, just like eye color, hair color, etc.)
His grandfather helped invent core memory tech, which helped USA win the cold war
His great grandfather helped lay ATT telecom line for military that helped USA win WW2
Grandfather and Grandmother graduated from UCLA

As a parent, I have to say, if the US college system continues to neglect kids that can really innovate for our country, and reward kids with stories that make us “feel good”, our country is doomed. China does not do this and is slowly but surely passing us by.

My S’s attitude is awesome. Dad, if the school doesn’t value what I can do, then I’m not meant to go there.

Frustrated Parent

can someone link the facebook group