UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

my daughter got the email this morning, but she seems to think its a generic email coz it said that the deadline has been extended and we werent aware of any deadline. Is there anyplace where we can get more information on this ?

Can people who received the email please include their stats? Thank you!

I received the email.

4.45 W / 4.0 UW GPA
35 ACT
800 Math II, 800 US History Subject Tests
5s on Enviro, Euro, Calc BC, Comp Sci Principles, Lang, and APUSH and a 4 on AP Bio.
Applied to College of Letters and Science.

Based on what Iā€™ve read, this invite is really only based on stats and isnā€™t holistic. While thereā€™s a correlation between invitation and acceptance, thereā€™s no certainty.

I have a 1470, 4.0 UW GPA with 13 AP classes and a ton of extracurriculars. I would like to think my essays were pretty good.

I also got the email. On the my portal for the scholarship, it includes the Regents Scholarship Application. Does that mean I got invited to Regents?

@bayareacollege12, would you please provide the web link for ā€œmy portal for the scholarship?ā€ Thanks in advance.

https://UCLA Freshman Alumni Scholarship - UCLA Prospective Student Scholarship Application

Delete the _ before searching

@bayareacollege12 my scholarship portal has a section for a regents scholarship application. Is that a good sign?

Iā€™m not sure. Can anyone confirm whether Regents people get a separate email or if its included with Alumni scholarships invite?

@DD2019 The alumni scholarship committee uses software to screen candidates. Itā€™s a generic email sent to certain applicants. The software has a strong correlation of picking people who will get in. I posted a FAQ a few posts ago explaining this.

@bayareacollege12 I talked about this earlier but Regents is notified at time of decision for admission you wonā€™t know ahead of time nor is there a separate app.

I got the email as well
GPA: 4.0
ACT: 35
SAT II: Math 2 730 & Chinese 720
College of Arts and Sciences
^ here are my general stats, i think my essays were pretty good but that may just be my personal opinion.

Kinda worried I didnā€™t get the alumni emailā€¦
ACT 35 (35 35 35 36)
UC GPA 4.67 after junior year (4.71 now)
800 Sat chem
800 math 2
780 bio e
Female, white, ChemE, went to UCD chemistry COSMOS
I thought my essays were pretty good, I got into Upitt with 15k merit and the honors college with similar ones.

Hopefully this doesnā€™t mean I messed up something big on my app.

are invites based on stats or holistic views of the app? got invite this morning

DD got it, too.
4.0 unweighted GPA
SAT: 1520 first and only time
SAT II: 760 Chem, 760 Math II
Very competitive, highly rated public high school in Nor Cal
I think good ECs and essays ; )

@SG2468 We didnā€™t get it either. 1560 SAT, 4.0UW/4.51W. A little worried here tooā€¦


You mentioned that there is no separate application for Regents.
However, in the portal under the Opportunities tab, itā€™s indicated that thereā€™s a deadline for Regents.

UCLA Freshman Regents Scholarship

$2000 to $9000
Supplemental Questions
What do you hope to accomplish after you complete your academic career and how do you think your goals will impact society?

@chocolatehusky how did you come to that conclusion? youā€™re stressing out a lot of high-stats kids + their parents haha

that being said, if it truly is by stats, iā€™m a 1560 SAT, 3.98 uw gpa, 4.4 wgpa, 35 ACT, and havenā€™t received the email.

Moderators Note:
Lots of repeated questions about the topic of alumni scholarship emails. Hereā€™s a pretty exhaustive summary of it. Any repeat questions answered by this post will be deleted.

  1. Alumni scholar invite emails are selected using software based on stats by the alumni association. There is a correlation of getting selected and getting in of about 60%.
  2. Anyone can apply for the scholarships online.
  3. Regents has no app. Also youā€™ll find out Regents on your UCLA app portal at the time of decision. (Seems to be some supplemental questions. Not too sure about that. No official announcements from admission were made to student staff).
  4. The only other email of note is the one inviting you to discover engineering which is the old engineering likely letter.
  5. Every other email is just advertising.
  6. Emails come out in waves due to high volume of applicants.