UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

To interview? My understanding is that you do not. If they are following the timeline of previous years, they would like to interview and decide on awards before Bruin Day so that recipients have enough information to make a decision on April 13.

Does UCLA send out acceptance letters in the mail or solely by the portal

How selective is the alumni scholarship from the interview pool?

How many quarters are there in the UCLA school year? Some people say it is three, others say there are four and I am super confused right now. Also, how many weeks per quarter and on what week is mid-terms and finals?

In addition, I will be entering into the College of Letters and Science so how many classes do most L&S majors take per quarter? Thanks

@Cyla my D got her hardcopy acceptance letter yesterday so I’m assuming yes.

@letsgorams Current undergrad here. There are three “standard (required) quarters” and one “optional quarter”, with the former called fall, winter, spring, respectively, and the latter being “summer session”, which is divided into two sessions. Hence the name “quarter”. Each quarter last 11 weeks, with instructions lasting over the course of 10 weeks and the last week being final exam week. As for when are mid-terms, it depends heavily on a course, i.e.) if a course requires one midterm then it’s usually somewhere between week 4 ~ 6, or if it’s two midterms then 4 & 7, or even 3 & 8 (again, it really depends on your instructor & course). Finally, as for L&S students, there is a 19 unit limit for each quarter’s course load, albeit you can always request petition for more. FYI, all GE courses are 5 units each and major courses are 4 units (mostly). So you can expect 4 courses as most common. (Apparently at Engineering there are plenty of folks taking 5+ courses). You can choose to take 3 if you want, just so you know that the lower limit is 12 for each quarter. Just so you know that you need 180 credits in order to graduate, and each year there are 3 quarters, so do the math and you get the calculation that you’d be able to graduate in four years if you take an average of 15 units per quarter (and of course if you happen to have taken AP exams then you can expect earlier schedule than that). There’s plenty of this such information during new student orientation, so for now just chill and have fun :slight_smile:

Has anyone NOT heard on their acceptance from UCLA. . . .


@gzza73 Congrats to your son! I’m sure our boys will meet :smile: What a great opportunity for them to meet new friends!

@Positive2019 I still have not found anything. I would really love to go as well. Not sure if we have to request a travel voucher or not? If anyone has information about receiving OOS travel vouchers for Bruin Day we’d appreciate it!

Hi everyone. S got into UCLA, USC and got Regent Scholar at UCSB. Can someone confirm that all the Regents awards have already been sent out? Can’t seem to get a clear answer.

@bananannna Thank you for this information

@Milakt1 UCLA regents were sent out with decisions. Nothing after

@10s4life wondering if you know what the historic stats are on waitlisting at UCLA? numbers waitlisted and numbers actually accepted? if you already did this I apologize.

good luck to all those in scholarship process!

@Milakt1 my S received UCSB regent scholarship a couple of weeks ago

Anyone know how to prepare for the alumni scholarship interview? Mine is scheduled for Sunday morning, and I’m not really sure what to expect :confused:

@Haysmom I don’t have numbers on me but it’s low. Please make sure to commit to another school in the meantime.

For those of you who are on the fence about Bruin day or are just too excited that you can’t wait, then check out the Official UCLA Bruin Day promo video below. We hope to see you on campus and become a part of the Bruin family!

Remove the space between the h and t below

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Hi, my son did too for UCSB. Wondering about UCLA