UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@huttens see post #159. I looked up past threads about this email and all of them mentioned how an invitation to apply was based on stats and not holistic review.

@10s4life - thanks for the details. Do you when Discover Engineering emails go out or have they already been sent?

@chucko They typically come out a week before decisions.


My daughter also received this email today. Is this bogus?

"UCLA Prospective UG Students Scholarships

Before you can start searching for financial aid opportunities with us, please confirm your account by visiting the following link:


If you believe this confirmation message was sent to you in error, please ignore this email. Your account will not be created until you access the previous link and create a password.


Is the Alumni Scholarship even worth applying to if you didn’t receive an email? Since it’s pretty much open to everyone to apply? Has anyone actually received it in this way?

on the scholarship app there’s an option to put info for regents. if you click yes, it opens the regents app… can anyone just apply for that?

What is more promising for getting admitted into UCLA a supplemental form or the alumni scholarship?

@memelover123 I believe the Regents thing is a technical glitch. I’d call tomorrow to check.

@koreanbunbunny The scholarship email is. That means you are roughly in the top 20% of a typical admitted class. The supplement is for borderline applicants that are between admit and denial and they need more info.

My cousin told me he received an email to apply for the Alumni Scholarship couple years ago, and then he was admitted the next month, so I think it’s def a good sign.

@10s4life can you check on the supplemental question and report back?

@lkg4answers I really think the Regents questions are a technical glitch but call UCLA. IF regents needed an app you would have gotten an email about responding as not everyone checks the portal every day. For the supplement you receive an email too and its up to you if you want to respond. For questions about your app it is important to call UCLA yourself rather than just rely on boards like these.

@koreanbunbunny the supplemental email doesn’t really matter because it means you are a borderline applicant and they don’t know if they should admit or deny. the alumni email is essentially a “likely” letter

@10s4life so in regards to the alumni scholarship email. Is it sent to all of the top 20% admitted students?

@gzza73 No it’s not it’s just the in general it’s for what the alumni scholarship committee seems the top 20%. The university has a different system. At this point it’s best to just wait and see what happens in March. No use trying to figure it out now. And it’s not admitted students. It’s just students who are typically found in the top 20% of the admitted class. Hence correlation to getting in.

What percent of people who receive supplemental questionnaires get in?

Also is it beneficial to have answered both questions rather than just one?

After reading through multiple posts, I am even more than confused than before. Can anyone tell me what percentage of the applicants receive the scholarship email? Are the applications forwarded from Admissions to Alumni for scholarship consideration?

@antontupai read post #159. It explains everything clearly and that’s all we know at present :slight_smile: