UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@10s4life I see and understand what you mean in the post. I don’t mean impolite to people asking about the stats. That’s why I use the words “Do you mind… ?.” If they mind and think that those stats are confidential, then they can just ignore it and they don’t have to share it or post it. Thank you for your info regarding the detailed stats posted at the UCLA undergrad admission.

@10s4life I need your help… UCLA says to report any grade change in your senior year… Do they mean at the end of your senior year or each semester? I’m nervous because my son got one C and one D in both AP classes but the D is not a core class… Thank you in advance for your help

@Positive2019 UCLA counts grades by semester. Yes you need to report those. A C and D are grounds for rescindsion in an AP class. You must maintain a 3.0UW across both semesters of senior year and or not have grades drop from previous years trends in high school. Doesn’t matter if the class is core or not, if it’s AP then it’s an A-G class and needs to be reported

D and I went on the campus tour last Saturday and out of all the campus tours I have been on UCLA was the best but beware it is long and hot 9if a sunny day).
Tour started at 11 with a talk about general accomplishments from UCLA and very basic information regarding UCLA. This went until about 11:45.
Then you are told to grab a granola bar and water and use the restroom. I highly suggest that you get your granola bar and water FIRST. Since you have to register for the tour with the total number of people in your group UCLA knows how many granola bars & water to put out. Unfortunately as many of us found out many people are a tad selfish and take handfuls of the free items. I only mention this because: 1: you need the water on the walk especially if it is sunny and 2: we did not end the tour until nearly 3 pm and the 3 people in my group were extremely hangry.

12-2pm we walked on a big circle around campus, our tour guide was great and very informative

2-3pm is a dorm tour. You are supposed to see inside the 2 types of freshman dorms, we left after seeing the first one, hangry was an issue and we needed to eat.

If you register for the admitted student tour it includes all of the above we opted since we live only 2 hours away that we would do the tour before Bruin day so now on Bruin day D can focus on other things.

Hope this helps a little and bring some snacks for yourself, had we known it was going to be so long with no lunch break we would have brought our own snacks.

@chucko yes my son received email yesterday notifying him of finalist advancement. I believe they’re making arrangements to fly him in on the 11th and 12th.

Hey alumni scholar interview people. I have a question. On the original alumni scholar email they said they’d let us know if we received a scholarship by today, April 3rd. Has anyone gotten notification via email?

@sammygrammy see post 1805

Hi @littlecorvidae please tell me what you thought got you in? Just curious and not to sound rude, are you URM/have any hardships?

@TheLaggingStrand URM and race is not a consideration for UCLA

@teambyerline did you go to dining halls?

@gzza73 The tour doesn’t go in but you can eat there by getting a dining ticket from any dorm front desk

@ATXMOM12 i did and that post is referencing the finalists who get flown to UCLA. I’m referring to the rest of the alumni scholarship winners who didn’t get finalists but still got money…that group of people is notified today.

@sammygrammy my bad, I didn’t realize there was a separate group

@ATXMOM12 no problem :slight_smile: just anxiously waiting for said notification.

Oh ok thank tou.

I submitted my community college transcript for UCLA but on the portal, it says it is on the preliminary process and that my final transcript has to be sent. What does this mean?

@koreanbunbunny Don’t you have to submit your high school transcript too?

@10s4life Hi! I just a question about the waitlist; I know that the chances of getting off the waitlist are very low, but do you think it might be easier for certain majors (like humanities) to get off versus others (like CS/engineering), or does the major not affect your chances at all?

@10s4life my D was accepted into Ethnomusicology and when we called on Monday to find out about scholarship opportunities they said that scholarships for Herb Alpert School of Music have not been released yet and my D is already being considered for more $. Do you know the timing of this?

@hopewrld123 Major doesn’t it’s the school you applied too L&S is easier than engineering or nursing.