UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@crknwk2000 Haha this is college Confidential for a reason. I’ll be busy for most of Bruin day but if someone would like to meet up we can potentially set that up via PM.

So true, so true! Yep, we need to keep you confidential I think…but seriously, you are the best! Full of great information, measured advise and SO MUCH PATIENCE. I mean, wow, you are going to be a GREAT parent one day lol…

Does anyone know if for the waitlist we are supposed to write an essay? Or just provide our grades and current classes. It doesn’t specify it anywhere and there is no character limit either.

Would it be wise for someone with no batting experience, let alone throwing a ball, to walk on to the UCLA club baseball team? If not, I was also considering fencing.

@letsgorams The club baseball team is good. There’s a lot of guys on there that had D1 and d2 offers but elected to go here. We are currently second in the division. Play IM softball instead. That requires no experience. Club sports are like the JV teams. So that’s something you need experience playing growing up.

Is there any way I can opt for a dorm room with the best view of the campus/LA or are all dorm assignments randomized?

@letsgorams it’s random

Got it

For those who are majoring in Econ, would it be advisable to double major. I have been looking through the majors and I got in for Econ but would like to pair it with Public Affairs.

@letsgorams Econ is a very short major in fact people have to take junk classes or minor to graduate with enough upper div units.

@letsgorams Though note that if you want to do graduate level work in economics, you need a lot of math beyond what is in the standard Econ major. That’s really the point of the Math Econ major. For the more social science oriented students, pairing with polisci has been very typical. But the new public affairs major is an interesting alternative and has lots of resources and a tight knit community in the Luskin school. Just take care that it has a lot of pre-major courses to fit in, so you will have a very busy first year, unless you have the AP courses and scores to get out of the pre-major Econ and/or Math courses. You might need to switch to pre-Public Affairs (to get priority for the pre-major courses) and then treat Econ as your double major rather than vice versa.

@10s4life Thanks! I feel like engineering students would love a short major like econ too :smiley:

@Twoin18 I am into social scienes and plan on going to law school. So I guess I will try to prioritize public affairs and then add on econ as another major. Just hope it won’t be stressful because I want to do a lot of ec’s. What AP Courses would get me out of pre-econ major?

@letsgorams A 4 or 5 on AP Micro/Macro gets you out of Econ 1/2 respectively, a 5 on Calc AB/BC gets you out of Math 31A/B respectively. So that could be as many as 4 of the 6 pre-major Econ course requirements.

I think you can change to pre-PA at orientation if you’d like. There are 8 pre-major courses with no AP credit available (though you may possibly be able to use Econ 1 in place of the PA Econ course).

@10s4life hi. First of all, thank you for all your input, advice, answers. Other moms keep telling me “You have to make ucla small, find your area, make community. Or, it’s overwhelming.” I think they mean the engineering dept. or a sport, or org…how can a student do this?

@BeCheap4me2 make lots of different friend groups. Some develop quickly and some develop over time. Dorm friends, IM/club sport teams, clubs, freshman seminars, friends in discussions or classes, study groups, Greek system, jobs/labs on campus.I’m sure there are more.

@Twoin18 My school doesnt offer Micro but I am taking Macro and Calc BC right now and will take the test so that should cover 3/6 requirements. Thank you for all the info.

@lkg4answers had some great advice. @BeCheap4me2 Yes it’s true UCLA is a big campus but I think it’s relatively to make it “small” unless you really don’t try. At a min you’ll have orientation friends and people you meet on your floor. The most important thing is during the first couple weeks of school you participate in everything going on in the dorms and clubs you want to join.

@10s4life - do you know if UCLA has any place to store luggage? We are leaving for the airport directly from UCLA after Discover Engineering.

@chucko From what I know I do not think so

Thanks @10s4life