UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Thank you @D4Mom

The highest UCLA med school acceptance rate is 50%, not 70%.


Does anyone know the minimum wage at ucla for student jobs?

@10s4life what are your thoughts about about some sort of safe or other security type device for things like passports, etc. in the dorms? And do people use security cables or the like for laptops? Do you hear about theft in the dorms at all? We’re going to tell our daughter to be smart since she should be this way in life (keep valuables out of sight, etc) but do you think other measures are needed? Thanks!

Would be interested to hear about the current minimum wage at UCLA, too. I just googled it and found some news stories from 2015 that indicated that it should $15 an hour in 2020, but I think there has been some issues.

Good luck to everyone! I wish I could get into UCLA next year!

@crknwk2000 For the most part especially in classic triples, everyone leaves their door either propped open or dead bolted. Living on the hill I never saw or heard of someone’s stuff being stolen. Valuables should be stored away in a drawer but safes and chords are unnecessary

What issues have you heard about? My understanding (and I could be wrong) is that the campus has to pay what is required in LA County.

this is from 2017. I couldn’t find anything current: https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/10/22/workers-at-some-uc-campuses-say-they-dont-earn-fair-wages/
Hopefully everyone at UCLA is truly making the required minimum wage in LA County.

@letsgorams my daughter is working in the athletics department as a blue and gold ambassador. She is making 14.50 an hour. Loves the job!

I believe LA County should be going up to $14.25 in July 2019. The article states that the UCs are at $15 but I don’t think that applies to work study jobs.

@lkg4answers I think the difference is work study goes straight to tuition while normal jobs are paid to the student directly. Tours pays me 14.75

Can we view our admissions file once we enroll?

@letsgorams You can see your app but you’ve already seen it. You won’t see scores or comments. But why worry about it? You’re already here and made it.

I thought work study was required to pay you directly unless you request for it to be sent somewhere else https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types/work-study

In the article posted by @crknwk2000 it sounded as if the minimum wage was the same at all UC campuses. My child at another UC doesn’t make $15. Looking into it further, I think one needs to work at least 20 hrs/wk (which eliminates most students) to hit Napolitano’s $15/hr min wage.

Question about Finding Roommates vs Going Random

Do most students Go Random? Or Find 1-2 roommates ahead of time?

The Facebook group for new students looks like very inefficient way to find a roommate. But what do I know

Are most kids finding roommates in this Facebook group?

Or are they finding someone ahead of time maybe from the same high school they go to?

Or are most kids going random and letting the algorithm assign them roommates?

@SoCalPops Most go random but the algorithm isn’t really an algorithm cause it pairs based on the survey and most don’t fill it out honestly lol. It’s really hit or miss. Some are fantastic others aren’t. Many do find theirs on Facebook. At least you can talk and know a little about them. The process is long and you just gotta message or respond to messages on the profile you post on the page. Usually you can find someone you get along with. Rooming with HS friends isn’t common

Thanks @10s4life - after looking at that Facebook group, I concluded that there’s no way most people could be finding roommates through that group. Sure a some do. But with 6000 freshman coming in, the Facebook group feed is just not an efficient way to sort for people. Thanks.

The Facebook group posts for roommates reminded me of 90s pre-internet personal ads - LOL. At least you can see some pictures :slight_smile:

Just made our hotel reservation for when we take our kid down for move in. I guess this really will be happening!?!