UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

@crknwk2000 Move in and zero week are such a fun time! Everyone looks forward to zero week every year

Is UCLA move in day September 19th?

Regarding using the FB group or going random to find your roommate, 10s4life, maybe you told us this or maybe it was someone we met at UCLA at Bruin Day, but someone said, going random is very common and a plus with that is that if it turns out you REALLY need to make a change, it’s more likely to be approved if it was a random pick vs. someone you picked going with the reasoning that you picked this person so you should really try to make it work. My kid is going to go random and keep her fingers crossed :wink:

@SoCalPops it looks like it’s 9/19-9/21.

From what our housing tour guide said, evidently it’s a very organized process with everyone being assigned a certain slot. He promised it wasn’t scary-fingers crossed he was telling the truth ; )

People getting in off waitlist today! Go Bruins!

Thanks @crknwk2000 (and @10s4life) I asked about random roommate thing because somehow we got the impression that most students were finding people ahead of time. And that only the “not got it together” people were going random. But with this many students, going random just makes a lotta sense. Plus what you said @crknwk2000 if you need to change, random probably more likely to be approved.

@10s4life im curious to know what someone who doesnt know me at all beyong my application thought about me.

@crknwk2000 Regardless if you go random or choose switching roommates is the same process. You must mutually switch with someone at room swap. So you have to find someone who will swap with you. And you have to swap with them. UCLA move in is very organized unlike cals. But there is no approval for swapping because it’s up to the students to arrange it at room swap.

Ah, interesting. So there is like an event called “Room Swap” where, if your roommate sitch isn’t working out, you can try to swap? Is this a few times a year? So much to learn.
Hoping no swap is needed for my kid as I’m sure we all are. And also hoping she goes with the “work it out” attitude that she has up until this point. Dorm living will provide many life lessons, I’m sure

Thanks @crknwk2000 - the 19th - 21st is what I concluded too from reading some website stuff a couple weeks ago. Sounds like you know more than I do
 Does UCLA assign you a day and time slot on that day within one of those three days when you get your housing contract? Is that how this works?

Lol, I think I told you all I know @SoCalPops Maybe our pal 10s4life can add some more move in wisdom. 10s, do you know when we get our move in slot? My 13 year old is hoping it’s not on Thursday or Friday for his sister so we can go to Disneyland instead. Ah, 13 year old brothers

Not housing related, that you may or may not already know, you can sign up for the 3 day summer orientation starting May 6th. My kid has already picked out a few that would work since we heard they do fill up.

@crknwk2000 Room swap is week 3 of the first two quarters. You are randomly assigned a day between Thursday-Saturday. You can change times but they go quick.

@10s4life are all 3 roommates in a given room assigned the same move-in day-time slot?

@SoCalPops It’s all independent. Sometimes you are mostly you aren’t.

Will an East coaster feel out of place with such a heavy CA presence at UCLA?

Hi @10s4life, could you please recommend a good laptop for Engineering? Thanks!

@jrncyn MacBook Pro 13, MacBook Air, Dell XPS 13, hp x360 13. Basically anything thin and light with good battery life. You don’t need anything powerful for engineering contrary to popular relief. An iPad can honestly work 90% of the time too

“My 13 year old is hoping it’s not on Thursday or Friday for his sister so we can go to Disneyland instead.”

Earlier slot is probably better. More time to make friends, and first choice of bunk. We thought the top bunk of the pair was best, rather than the top bunk with the desk under it, because it’s nicer to have your desk by the window, and who wants a bottom bunk with someone climbing over them?

For a 13 year old boy, Magic Mountain is another good option, and a lot less driving than Disneyland coming from NorCal. That’s what we are planning for move out in June.

@Twoin18 You’ll get roomates contact info if random a week or two ahead of time. I’d Rec divying up the room before moving in so there isn’t conflict based on who got there first and who took which spot. Earlier or later doesn’t matter too much as you’ll make tons of friends regardless.

“I’d Rec divying up the room before moving in so there isn’t conflict based on who got there first and who took which spot.”

I’d generally agree with this but my S and his roommates were all incredibly reluctant to say what they wanted so as not to have any potential misunderstandings over email. They all just said that they didn’t mind. So it ended up with the first one there choosing first, and they were all fine with it in the end.