UCLA Class of 2023 Discussion

Okay, so I havent applied to UCLA, but have a general question regarding it.

I have a kid in my school who is claiming he already got off the WL. Though from my knowledge, the WL results start after/on May 1.

Is this possible? Or is he lyin’???

Thanks for anyones help.

@TheGuy1 they started accepting students off of the wait-list around 9 am this morning. http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/2132722-ucla-2023-waitlist-thread-p2.html

@lkg4answers Oh thanks!! Is that a deviation from the usual after May 1 behavior?

@10s4life (and anyone else who knows UCLA):
My D was accepted off the waitlist yesterday. Wasn’t expecting that so early (before May 1). Now she’s deciding between UCLA and Cal. Her brother goes to Cal so we are pretty familiar with everything there. But curious about UCLA Greek life / rushing, attendance at football games since it’s at the Rose Bowl, any other favorite things about UCLA you’d like to share? Obviously academically she can’t go wrong either way. But I know Cal and UCLA have a very different vibe.

@TXMom33 Of the UCs, UCLA has the largest social fraternity/sorority Greek life and prob the third largest of the California schools after SDSU and USC. There’s studious kids, party kids, and everything in between. The Greek life can be described as a more academically focused UCSB. Events mostly are in the evening as everyone goes to class and does homework during the day. Still there is a lot of partying and joint events between sororities and fraternities so if the Greek scene is something that makes you weary UCLA prob won’t do anything to change that if I’m being honest. Football game attendance is high and the school provides bussing but that takes you straight to the game and not tailgates. Fraternities and sororities pair up for game day and pregame at a fraternity house then take their own busses to the rose bowl for tailgating. It’s an all day event and a lot of fun. My favorite part is all the people I’ve met and going to support all the sports is a lot of fun. Rushing is competitive for upper houses for both guys and girls but not nearly as crazy with letters of rec and legacy as the south. For sororities as long as you trust the process and don’t have your heart set on a particular house you’re *almost guaranteed a bid. For fraternities there isn’t a system to guarantee bids but smaller houses are much less selective than larger ones so if someone really wants a bid rushing smaller ones increases chances by a lot.


I can anecdotally confirm.

Thank you @10s4life for that information! She is very interested in Greek life, especially being from out of state to quickly meet people and get involved. She is very interested in going to sporting events and really wants that from her college experience. Being from Texas / the south where rushing is SOOOOO crazy, she was hoping it wasn’t that way as much at UCLA. She is more laid back and doesn’t really like the craziness she has heard about her friends experiences at UT and other southern schools. So that is nice to hear that it is not like that so much there.

Are you saying she doesn’t need letters of rec at all, or that she does but they just don’t rely on those as much? And just to clarify, are you saying UCLA Greek life is more academically focused, or UCSB?

Thanks again! That was very helpful!

@TXMom33 If she had some they will help it’s just it’s not the end of the world if she doesn’t have them. UCLA Greek life is stereotypically more academically focused than UCSB purely because the students tend to be that way. Big generalization tho

A little off topic here, but I just wanted to come here and praise what a great institution UCLA is solely based on the experience my child had during this whole process. My child was one of 18 students invited to the Alumni Scholarship Finalist event during April 11,12th. They flew him in from Texas to compete for more scholarship money, he was one of 2 out of staters, the others were all Californians. He had a fantastic time and loved loved loved the campus and its people. They did offer him more money but ultimately we ended up choosing the top LAC which had given him a full ride, yes I know, “a little Ivy” as opposed to the #1 public university are huge contrasts, but he loved both vibes. When he wrote UCLA to give up his spot, he was incredibly sad, but even more touched when they personally responded to let him know they understood and were still available to him in the future for mentorship. As the largest public university, I know there is less wiggle room to recruit kids such as mine, but for those who are attending, if the UCLA alumnis are any indication, y’all are lucky to go there. Go Bruins!

@10s4life do you know if it matters if you sign up for an earlier orientation session since this is when you sign up for classes? ie will you be more likely to get the classes/professors you want at an earlier orientation? Thanks for any insight you might have…

@crknwk2000 It doesn’t matter when you go. They reserve an equal amount of spots for everyone.

@10s4life or anyone else who knows… Housing roommate question. We read through the housing PDF file that shows all the steps and under the section titled “roommate search options” it states this: “The roommate searching tools can help you find matches according to your lifestyle preferences. These tools will not be available until after the application deadline.” So it sounds like if we submit the application before May 1 deadline, students are later able to go in and “search” for roommates on the UCLA housing application site? Anyone know how this works? Or are all roommates supposed to have been found prior to May 1? We know about the Facebook page but my son hasn’t had much luck there and because he doesn’t use Facebook regularly hasn’t been very interested in spending time on it.

@Jaderoses You can select roomates past May 1st… Unfortunately Facebook is the best way to find roomates. Posting a profile, pictures, on the UCLA 2023 site is prob the best way to do it. It takes time and usually if you see someone you might match with shoot them a message and you can text etc to see if its a good fit. It seems weird at first to message random people but that’s the current system in place. Make sure his facebook profile has some pics uploaded on it, usually a blank profile is a warning sign for a lot of people looking.

Quick question, does any one know how living learning community and roommate selection works? Thank you.

@TXMom33 My daughter is finishing up freshman year at UCLA. She had a rocky start, it’s VERY competitive, but has ended up loving it. She also got into CAL, but being from the Bay Area, she’s visited it a lot and it’s not her scene. She’s in a sorority, and although the process was stressful, she also found it fun. She found a sorority that fits her style, and the girls are very academic, down to earth, but also fun and social. She also has joined a few other clubs on campus, so many of her friends are not in sororities, or different ones from her. She’s been having a lot of fun, as she loves sports, and there’s always something for her to do or see. I think between Cal And UCLA you have to know what type of student you have.

@momtwin Glad your daughter is liking UCLA and is having a positive experience with Greek life! It’s an awesome thing to be a part of at UCLA.

Regarding Facebook - Be cautious about what group you join and, as always, be cautious about the personal information you post. There is a page that says UCLA Class of 2023 with 5K members but it is run by a third party that is not affiliated with UCLA. The third party created hundreds of groups at various universities. There is another UCLA 2023 group with 1600 members which appears to be created by UCLA.

@lkg4answers Yep that’s true the 5k member one is a “third party”. I posted about this a while back. While the official one is run by UCLA, it’s normally, and from what I heard from a friend, is that it’s pretty dead. So your best shot is the unofficial one if you want to get a roomate. Just not enough people are using the smaller one.

For those concerned about it not being official, what you post on any social media site should be something you are comfortable with being public. My original post did put a disclaimer that the larger more active group is unofficial as in its not run by UCLA.

Hey everyone! Just got into UCLA from the waitlist this morning! I’m undeclared

@cooltimes Congrats! what were your stats and what is your intended major? where else did you get in?