UCLA Class of 2024 Discussion

I received the invite, but my stats are trash. So maybe all applicants got it?

Has anyone received the Regents Scholarship invite from UCLA yet?

@jackieh34 One thing I know for sure is that everyone did not get it. There is even another thread started by someone who did not get an invite and it appears several others did not get it. So who knows what this means … maybe @10s4life can let us know if something changed since last year in regards to the UCLA Alumni Scholarship invite.

My son received the Alumni Scholarship invite

My son received the invite too. In state.

@10s4life @Realyze12 So does that mean that the top 20% has a 60% chance of admission? Can you explain that a bit more? Sorry, I’m math challenged.

Hi everyone. Every year there’s lots of confusion on this topic and the last real data we have is from a leak from an alumni scholars reader a few years ago. At the time it was sent to a top portion of applicants based on stats (later updated to top based on first holistic read). It wasn’t a guarantee to get in but data showed there was a high correlation of acceptance. Note it’s not causation. This year I haven’t heard anything differently but I’m also not apart of the alumni scholarship organization and work in a different Dept. It def isn’t sent to all applicants. Because it’s based on the first holistic score other factors may have triggered the invite besides stats. You don’t need an invite to apply but chances are low getting the scholarship if you’re not invited. Invitation also doesn’t mean you’ll get it since they’re highly competitive.

i guess it depends on your income.
I got the email too.
btw how do we apply for the alumni scholarship?

@amogh97 There is a link at the end of the email. Create an account and apply. Need to submit the general application first, and then apply for the particular recommended one.

@amogh97 I believe one need to submit FAFSA too if it was not done yet.

My son just got an e-mail to apply for the UCLA Regents Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year.

D just received an email inviting her to apply to Regents, too. Does anyone know if it indicates anything about her chances for admission? She got an invite to apply for AlumniScholarship, too, but I read here the correlation with admissions is only about 60% for the latter? Thanks!

Is there a difference between the Regents and Alumni Scholarship? Is UCLA’s Alumni Scholarship the “regents” scholarship of other schools?

Two different scholarships:

@oaksinfog, since Regents invites are extended by the Undergraduate Admissions (according to the link you sent) does it mean all those chosen will also be admitted? Thanks!

Don’t know.

I got the invitation to apply like yesterday or the day before and I know I won’t qualify for a lot of need based aid so I highly doubt the they are based on financial information. I hope this is a good sign! Still no invite for an interview though.

Hey, I’m an out of state applicant and I took theatre my freshmen year of high school but no arts courses after that. I know UCLA only looks at the grades from 10th and 11th grade, so will this count against me? Thanks…

You need at least 2 years of VAPA (visual and preforming arts) I think, and they do look at all of your years even though 11th and 12th year are more important (usually).

@TimmyC: you need 1 year of a VPA course taken anytime from 9th-12th grades.
GPA is based on 10-11th grades. 9th grades are reviewed for completion of the a-g courses. Senior courses in-progress are also reviewed to make sure you will have all a-g courses done by graduation.